
Tue, 31/01/2023 - 11:12
On Saturday, a small but passionate political protest took place opposite Downing Street, on a topic almost entirely ignored – not to mention actively whitewashed by the UK’s ‘mainstream’ media: the extent of nazi influence in Ukraine. The topic is papered over with equal diligence by what now passes for the ‘Labour party’, which punishes […]
Sun, 01/01/2023 - 02:17
“They offer nothing and destroy everything”. Dangers for Sierra Leone’s people are growing – but the drivers of the situation will not be unfamiliar to UK readers Skwawkbox has received the article below, written by a Sierra Leonean journalist whose name is withheld because of the risk of reprisals. For me the year 2022 has […]
Thu, 05/01/2023 - 13:07
Dept of Defence briefing document insists facilities are non-military A briefing released by the US Department of Defence admits that the US military has been maintaining forty-six bio-facilities in Ukraine, while insisting that they and other laboratories it ‘supports’ in that country are purely for peaceful purposes. The presence of US-run bio-facilities in Ukraine formed […]
Wed, 29/06/2022 - 11:55

I would like to propose a new term: outrage dividend.

Outrage dividend is the boost in reach that content which elicits strong emotional responses often gets on social media and other content sharing platforms.

This boost can be related to human nature — an outrage-inducing article will get shared more. It can also be caused by the particular set-up of the platform a given piece of content is shared on — Facebook’s post-promoting algorithm was designed to be heavily biased to promote posts that get the “angry” reaction.

A tale of two media outlets

Imagine two media organizations.

A Herald is a reliable media organization, with great fact-checking, in-depth reporting, and so on. Their articles are nuanced, well-argued, and usually stay away from sensationalism and clickbaity titles.