Huda Amori

Fri, 03/11/2023 - 23:59

Lowkey catches up with Palestine Action founder Huda Ammori to discuss the revelations in The Guardian of Israeli Embassy intervention in Palestine Action court cases. They also examine Huda's upcoming court case and the possibility of going to prison for shutting down the Israeli war machine in Britain.

The post Palestine Action On Trial, with Huda Amori appeared first on MintPress News.

Fri, 16/12/2022 - 02:15

On this special episode of The Watchdog, Lowkey discusses and later analyzes the role played by external actors in dictating the domestic political environment in the United Kingdom.

The post The British American Project and Fighting Back Against the Israel Lobby with Matt Kennard, Asa Winstanley and Huda Amori appeared first on MintPress News.