Lasers reveal hidden details of ancient body ink
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Lasers reveal hidden details of ancient body ink
The post This Mummy’s Tattoos Are Better Than Yours appeared first on Nautilus.
It’s a bigger challenge than we thought
The post Bringing Mars Rocks to Earth appeared first on Nautilus.
Refute your friends and family, never be satisfied. Philosopher Agnes Callard on life lessons from Socrates.
The post Argue Your Way to a Fuller Life appeared first on Nautilus.
What rove beetles can tell us about the predictability of life
The post The Evolution of a Mimic appeared first on Nautilus.
How to solve biology’s chicken-or-egg dilemma
The post The Incredible Conundrum of Life’s Origin appeared first on Nautilus.
Making a Shazam for conservationists
The post How to Tell a Leopard from Its Roar appeared first on Nautilus.
This is a brief response to Tim Thornton’s recent article for JAPE (94, Summer 2024/2025), ‘Beyond green growth, degrowth, post-growth and growth agnosticism’. I am not intending to go into the arguments he uses in detail but instead to explain the green growth and degrowth positions as I see them. I find his account of it confusing and somewhat misleading — and feel there is a point in setting the record straight.
The author on losing his home to wildfire, finding strength in solitude, and his new book Aflame
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The astrophysicist’s synthesized voice conveyed a self
The post Stephen Hawking’s Eternal Voice appeared first on Nautilus.
Wetlands in film are overwhelmingly associated with discomfort, misery, and death
The post The Trouble with the Swamp appeared first on Nautilus.