With the NBA Finals upon us, a mathematician revisits the famous paper that claims a player's hot streak is an illusion.
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With the NBA Finals upon us, a mathematician revisits the famous paper that claims a player's hot streak is an illusion.
The post The “Hot Hand” Is Not a Myth appeared first on Nautilus.
By performing tricks for birds, monkeys, and other creatures, researchers hope to learn how they perceive and think about their world.
The post Abracadabra! How Magic Can Help Us Understand Animal Minds appeared first on Nautilus.
One study suggests that, on a global scale, it's associated with greater happiness.
The post The Internet Might Be Good for Us appeared first on Nautilus.
Fifty years ago, science-fiction writer Ursula K. Le Guin popularized physics’ most enigmatic feline.
The post How Schrödinger’s Cat Got Famous appeared first on Nautilus.
We are economists, political-economists and policy specialists in related fields, writing to express our support for active measures to strengthen Australia's manufacturing capabilities and guide investment in critical infrastructure, including measures proposed in the Commonwealth government's Future Made in Australia policy framework [...]
The post Open Letter on Future Made in Australia appeared first on Progress in Political Economy (PPE).
Amorina Kingdon’s 3 greatest revelations while writing Sing Like Fish.
The post How Sound Rules Life Underwater appeared first on Nautilus.
In my latest article in Journal of Agrarian Change, I argue that through the categories of world-ecology, the history of Australian capitalism is rendered legible. The article emerges from my 2023 doctoral thesis, which placed sugar alongside histories of invasion, pastoralism, and fossil capital to develop an eco-Marxist account of the origins of capitalism in Australia.
The post Race, Mortality and Value: Sugar in colonial Queensland appeared first on Progress in Political Economy (PPE).
An accident of lighting uncovers Jewish, European, and Islamic origins.
The post The Smartphone of the Middle Ages appeared first on Nautilus.
An evolutionary biologist and a science fiction writer walk into a bar … and mull over survival.
The post The Collapse Is Coming. Will Humanity Adapt? appeared first on Nautilus.
A radical theory that pagan cults gave rise to early Christianity.
The post Is Christianity Based on Psychedelic Trips? appeared first on Nautilus.