How we change the world.
The post The Rebel Issue appeared first on Nautilus.
How we change the world.
The post The Rebel Issue appeared first on Nautilus.
Training AI to read novels might help.
The post Can Chatbots Hold Meaningful Conversations? appeared first on Nautilus.
Conversations with visionary science fiction authors on the social impact of their work.
The post Does Science Fiction Shape the Future? appeared first on Nautilus.
Here’s a hint: He didn’t eat processed foods and sugar.
The post What a Bronze Age Skeleton Reveals About Cavities appeared first on Nautilus.
What we know—and don’t know—about a crucial climate tipping point.
The post The Ocean Apocalypse Is Upon Us, Maybe appeared first on Nautilus.
An expedition to a little-explored region returns with deep-sea wonders.
The post The Marvelous Seamounts of the Southeast Pacific appeared first on Nautilus.
David Gibbins on his 3 greatest revelations while writing A History of the World in Twelve Shipwrecks.
The post Archaeology at the Bottom of the Sea appeared first on Nautilus.
When it comes to tinkering with nature, our résumé is a list of breathtaking mistakes.
The post The Invasive Species appeared first on Nautilus.
Recent controversies bode ill for the effort to detect life on other planets by analyzing the gases in their atmospheres.
The post Doubts Grow About the Biosignature Approach to Alien-Hunting appeared first on Nautilus.
The importance of feeling small and insignificant.
The post How a Total Eclipse Alters Your Psyche appeared first on Nautilus.