For the first time, we can calculate how much climate change impacts a single storm’s severity.
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For the first time, we can calculate how much climate change impacts a single storm’s severity.
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Patchen Barss on his 3 greatest revelations while writing The Impossible Man: Roger Penrose and the Cost of Genius.
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A winning photograph shows a wasp that has parasitized an egg.
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Introducing SSPS6008 – Universal Basic Income
In 2025, the the School of Social and Political Sciences (SSPS) at the University of Sydney will offer the first unit of study focused on Universal Basic Income (UBI) to be taught at a university in Australasia.
This interdisciplinary unit critically examines UBI’s potential to tackle 21st-century challenges like inequality, economic insecurity, technological disruption and more frequent extreme weather events. It traces the historical, ethical, and political economic foundations of UBI from its origins in the French and American revolutions to contemporary trials, political campaigns and policy exemplars. Students will engage with a variety of research methods, including historical analysis, ethical argument, social scientific experiments, and computer-based microsimulations, to evaluate UBI’s potential merits and limitations.
A new way to deter Jaws.
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What 700 years of historical data can tell us about extreme weather.
The post Plagues, Taxes, Storms, and the Jet Stream appeared first on Nautilus.
Alan Lightman’s three greatest revelations while writing The Miraculous from the Material.
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Cathedrals, seed banks, and oaks: How to live in times of change.
The post The Once and Future Woods appeared first on Nautilus.
A winning photograph of octopus eggs reveals early organs of camouflage.
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How a flashy opal inspired artist Tyler Thrasher's new book.
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