Another nail in "loanable funds", which justfies austerity but does not explain how central banks produce credit and monetary growht.
Free markets and their discontents
How AI is institutionalizing Medicare Adantage fraud, to the degree that appeals of denials often outrun the patient's life.
oth parties are exacerbating the city/country split. How different are their interests?
Child labor makes a comeback as there's no such thing as a free lunch in 46 US states.
The Fed has a lot of 'splaining to do, yet seems determined to keep doing the wrong thing.
Why renting is even more expensive than ever, even pinching the soi-disant middle class.
Are many of the explanations of the recent bank tsuris barkign up the wrong tree?
More Medicare "buyer beware" alerts.
How the SVB bailout confirms the dedication of the elites to self interest only.
Michael Hudson gives a wide-ranging talk on SVB and other recent bank collapses, focusing on the considerable role of misguided Fed policies