Confronting the ethical and ecological dilemma over culling animals for conservation.
The post There Will Be Blood appeared first on Nautilus.
Confronting the ethical and ecological dilemma over culling animals for conservation.
The post There Will Be Blood appeared first on Nautilus.
The author on writing his new book Meet the Neighbors: Animal Minds and Life in a More-Than-Human World.
The post The New Science of Animal Minds appeared first on Nautilus.
A winning photograph shows millions of Monarchs dripping from Mexico’s fir trees in winter.
The post The Haunted Forest of Butterflies appeared first on Nautilus.
Are hiking and biking incompatible with protecting wildlife?
The post We’re Polluting Our Forests—with Noise appeared first on Nautilus.
17 million insects cross the Pyrenees each year, with enormous impacts on the environment.
The post The Most Unlikely Migration appeared first on Nautilus.
The sharpshooter catapults its urine at high speed.
The post A Tiny Insect with Extraordinary Piss appeared first on Nautilus.
By performing tricks for birds, monkeys, and other creatures, researchers hope to learn how they perceive and think about their world.
The post Abracadabra! How Magic Can Help Us Understand Animal Minds appeared first on Nautilus.
A tiny, charismatic frog in Brazil is revealing secrets of a killer fungus.
The post A Model Toadlet appeared first on Nautilus.
My Octopus Teacher’s Craig Foster considers the uncharismatic.
The post Falling in Love with a Fly appeared first on Nautilus.
This unique community of orcas is starving to death.
The post An A to Z of Hungry Killer Whales appeared first on Nautilus.