
Fri, 10/03/2023 - 02:16
by Rosalie Bull

I’m having an ongoing conversation with a friend about the merits and drawbacks of degrowth as a climate action strategy. She is easily the most astute climate thinker I know, with insights available only to those deeply immersed in the nuances of climate finance and decarbonization. She’s wary of the degrowth movement, as are many prominent players in the climate transition. She views it as an unhelpful distraction from humanity’s efforts to grapple with the climate crisis.

The post Degrowth in a Green-Growth World appeared first on Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy.

Mon, 27/02/2023 - 04:51
The discussion on TikTok and Hikvision infiltration in Australian government departments has centred inarticulately and dogmatically on the country of origin. But there are other more realistic and probable security threats lurking in plain sight. The possibility of the Chinese government accessing Australia’s sensitive and national security information has been in the headlines again in Continue reading »
Thu, 23/02/2023 - 06:04

For the month of February, the Nautilus Marketing Team will feature interviews with organizations and institutions working to increase opportunities for young Black people to imagine and succeed in STEM career paths—and we’ll donate 10 percent of all new member subscriptions toward their initiatives. Black representation in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields totaled […]

The post The Interim CEO of Black Girls CODE on the Importance of Self-Belief appeared first on Nautilus.

Wed, 22/02/2023 - 04:53
Everyone who has suffered abuse as a child deserves the opportunity to live free of its detrimental effects. Abuse affects the brain just as it affects the body. And just as bodies can heal, so can brains. Developmental trauma happening to children and youth while they are still growing, causes structural changes in the brain Continue reading »