The livestock industry is furiously lobbying to shut down alternatives, and tame politicians are giving it what it wants. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 22nd August 2024 For many years, certain car manufacturers sought to obstruct the transition to electric vehicles. It’s not hard to see why: when you have invested heavily in […]
You are reading this because Mr. Sauce, Esq. pointed out I didn’t do a single Wiener Wednesday this summer. And I want to give him a hearty thanks because, however neglectful I’ve been to the blog, I couldn’t let this year pass without an addition to the Wiener Wednesday archives. It would be wrong. Plus,Continue reading WIENER WEDNESDAY: 203. Stuffed Franks
Peter Dutton’s shadow minister for home and foreign affairs, Barnaby Joyce, has apologised after accidentally sending the hawk tuah video to all his contacts, for the second time this week. ”What can I say, I’m a bit clumsy when it... Read More ›
Sounds easy. And it’s only 1 hour! 6:15 pm I start cooking since Mr. Sauce, Esq. wanted dinner after 7. I do some prep–slice the zucchini, measure the rice, and cut the sausage into pieces. 6:45 pm this is when I start cooking in earnest and brown the chicken 7 pm brown the sausage. ItContinue reading 169. Chicken ‘N Rice Skillet
The kava drink, traditional in Pacific Island communities, has become a global sensation, leading to some concern about exploitation and appropriation.
When Mr. Sauce, Esq. goes out of town, two things inevitably happen when I am left to my own devices: I undertake home improvement projects like cleaning the hall closet and installing shelves; or affixing LED rope lights under the kitchen cabinets. I make the more unappetizing DiS cards so I do not subject himContinue reading 145. Ring of Gold
As we all know, I’ve been away from the blog for quite a while. So, naturally, I’m a little rusty. But I didn’t know how rusty until I finished No. 152 and looked back to my notes: That is literally “all she wrote.” I abandoned it before I even started it. But I didn’t necessarilyContinue reading 152. Italian Pork Chops
Gonna tell you right off the bat that this was delicious. And super-easy. I marinated the flank steak the night before, hard-boiled the eggs for the salad, and made the cream cake roll that morning (that will be detailed in a later post). I’m happy to report that No. 168 started at 5:20 pmContinue reading 168. Skewered Flank Steak
The meat industry’s misinformation tactics are even worse than the fossil fuel industry’s. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 14th December 2023 Everything that makes campaigning against fossil fuels difficult is 10 times harder when it comes to opposing livestock farming. Here you will find a similar suite of science denial, misinformation and greenwashing. […]
The astonishing story of how a movement’s quest for rural simplicity drifted into a formula for mass death By George Monbiot, published on, 4th October 2023 Tourism sells to you the story of what it has taken away. It markets the “traditional” and “unchanging” and, in doing so, changes it. As the old joke […]