
Mon, 08/03/2021 - 07:52

I have recently begun a coffee lent, which means I start the day with a headache. It took a bit of effort to motivate myself to go for a bicycle ride yesterday. The extreme heat of summer has eased off which means I can go outside without getting crispy. Taking …

Mon, 29/03/2021 - 12:51

I’ve not been a good friend. I did not send cards or presents. I moved around the globe and did not stay in contact. I have become older and regrettably maudlin about Cornwall and my old friends. I have gone home for intermittent visits. We have awkward conversations remembering …

Thu, 30/09/2021 - 12:22
A Map of St Anthony, or Gillan Harbour
A map of St Anthony

As a child, shortly after I had lost my golden mantle of ‘the-youngest’, my father would take my two brothers and I to St Anthony. My Dad had made several ‘shrimping nets’ which we would push around knee deep in the cold numbing, esturine water …

Fri, 19/11/2021 - 12:30

Back in early 2017 Re and I made a five year plan. It was vague and mainly concerned with paying off our mortgage. I had not had a mortgage for 15 years and was quite upset with the feeling that I was going rapidly backwards financially.

Baldrick saying, I have a cunning plan
No turnips involved, honest …
Mon, 07/02/2022 - 08:52
Data URI Scheme
Live edit text in your web-browser

Just a quick post to remind myself of the data URI scheme. This is something I should be incredibly familiar with given my history of work but I am mostly clueless.

This morning I have been helping my partner compose a bunch of words …