The use and abuse of MMT (Part 2) Michael Hudson, Dirk Bezemer, Steve Keen and Sabri Öncü The first part of this article appeared in…
The post The use and abuse of MMT (Part 2) first appeared on Economic Reform Australia.Monetary and fiscal policy frameworks for Australia part 1 John Haly In September 2022, the Reserve Bank of Australia was opened to public assessment. The…
The post Monetary and fiscal policy frameworks for Australia part 1 first appeared on Economic Reform Australia.A Bank for International Settlements study says 60+ trillion dollars of off-the-books currency swaps could be a profound, systematic risk. Robert Johnson joins Paul Jay on
Paul Jay
Hi, I’m Paul Jay. Welcome to In a few seconds, I’ll be back with Rob Johnson to talk about a ticking time bomb in the global financial system. Be back in just a few seconds. Please don’t forget the donate button at the top of the website, and subscribe on YouTube. Most importantly, come to the website and get on our email list, and I’ll be back, as I said.
I hate to be the bearer of more bad news, but there’s a story that appeared in the Business Press but received almost no attention in mass media. I think capitalism is in chaos and is out of solutions. If the climate crisis wasn’t enough to convince you, here’s another example.
A critical reappraisal of the case in favor of monetary tightening pressed by inflation hawks is overdue.