
Mon, 03/04/2023 - 23:13

The illusion of a cohesive Israel, an Israel that is a miraculous success, exists only in the minds of privileged Israeli and some diaspora Jews. Some European politicians may also believe this to be the case, having been convinced by Jews in their countries. But it was never the case.

The post Netanyahu’s Power Grab Is Shattering the Myth of a United, Democratic Israel appeared first on MintPress News.

Sun, 05/03/2023 - 11:33
‘Proud Zionist’ Elaina Cohen says Starmer ‘crushing spirit of socialism’ and his ‘mission’ claim shows lack of concern for people On Saturday, Labour party pro-Israel hardliner Margaret Hodge wrote in the Guardian that Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s ‘deeply anti-democratic’ plan to put his government above the law and the country’s judicial system is destroying the […]