A lawyer with 25 years of experience in the criminal justice system critiques the "underwhelming" pledges made in party manifestos
Crime and Justice
The latest episode of the hit Media Storm podcast focuses on the most common mainstream myths around women and sexual assault that are perpetuated through journalism
Private eye at heart of phone-hacking scandal claims he was wrongly convicted twice for same crime as he launches "vindicating" book
Andrew Kersley spent five months speaking to survivors of child sexual exploitation and experts on the ‘grooming’ of vulnerable women by far-right groups to understand why it is happening
Part Two: The interconnectedness of far-right groups reflects the extent to which those holding extreme beliefs have used the issue of child sexual exploitation to further their own ends
Part Three: In 2020, a two-year study of crime data and academic research by the Home Office concluded that 'group-based offenders are most commonly white'
Part Four: The far-right is able to present itself as ‘filling the gap’ left by a lack of services with its own range of 'support' for survivors
Adam Crozier came close to losing his job at The Telegraph in 1987 after changing advertising records to "enhance" his reputation
National Audit Office figures show MoJ way off target of reducing court case backlog by more than 14,000 cases and more than 6,000 are two years or more old
Despite a raft of public scandals involving government corruption and negligence, there is still no adequate statutory framework to bring those guilty of misconduct in a public office to account