South Africa has presented an overwhelming brief to the international Court of Justice, accusing Israel of genocidal motivation and demanding immediate cessation of such activity. The decision of the court will soon be known, but the opinion of millions, probably billons of the worlds citizens is known. Israel has crossed an uncrossable line. A community Continue reading »
World Affairs
John Howard took Australia into the devastating war of aggression in Iraq in March 2003 but has still not been held accountable. Recently released archives show the then prime minister did not even bother to prepare a written cabinet submission setting out the case for the invasion. Yet there was no plausible evidence available to Continue reading »
It is possible now that peace could come to Ukraine rather faster than most Western analysts are predicting, but this will only be only on terms acceptable to Russia. Last month in Pearls and Irritations, I reviewed the stage reached in the Ukraine military conflict. I suggested that the conflict would continue until Russia was Continue reading »
One prominent critic warned that renewed U.S. strikes on Yemen mean that not only will the Houthi attacks “not be stopped, but the broader war that Biden seeks to prevent will likely become a reality.” The United States and United Kingdom are reportedly preparing an “imminent” bombardment of Yemen as part of the international effort Continue reading »
Myanmar’s situation is complex: since February 2021, there is a multi-party civil war between the military coup government, the NUG (National Unity Government; successor of the Bamar-majority civil government) and its People’s defense forces, and over 30 different ethnic armed organisations (EAO’s) with shifting alliances/coalitions/loyalties, intersecting with a variety of criminal enterprises that are opportunistic Continue reading »
The Chicken Littles wallowing in the Augean stables of the Murdochracy are obsessing about whether or not the sky will fall if Trump wins the presidential election in November. Trump is unquestionably a squalid creature – personally, morally, politically. However, he is by no means the whole story. The Murdoch lackeys’ obsession with Trump is Continue reading »
The complex, a key part of US political economy, fuels geopolitical tensions and enables countries and private actors to push for and capitalise on conflict. It’s time for societies to make concerted efforts to rein it in and build a movement to educate the world about the grave threat it poses to civilisation. The headline Continue reading »
President Biden’s Valley Forge address might have felt like a feat of oratorical brilliance to the coterie that is locked into a mythical America. However, it was wildly out of touch with the views of many voters. Dismissing the genuine grievances and discontent with politics-as-usual, and not recognising that Trump provides an appealing alternative to Continue reading »
Today, the modern world is convulsed by geopolitical tensions and faces problems from the growing divergence of the national interests of states. The growing trust deficit and the reemergence of the Cold War mentality mean that constructive dialogue is at a premium. Humanity has once again reached a crossroads in history. Inequality in the world Continue reading »