World Affairs

Sun, 30/04/2023 - 04:51
Hersh’s latest revelations on 12 April 2023 in his self-published Substack blog, Trading with the Enemy, detail, among other Ukrainian corruption scandals now widely known in Washington military and intelligence circles, the Zelensky regime’s embezzlement of $400 million from US military aid to Ukraine. This article is proving even more incendiary in Washington than was his Continue reading »
Tue, 18/04/2023 - 05:14
In facing the great challenge of our time, a super-state resident in continental Asia and an itinerant naval power seeking to maintain primacy – the foreign minister was unable to nominate a single piece of strategic statecraft by Australia that would attempt a solution for both powers. Paul Keating’s response to Foreign Minister Penny Wong’s Continue reading »
Tue, 11/04/2023 - 04:51
Seventeen months ago the US State Department officially declared the US will “NEVER” recognise Crimea as part of Russia. Three months ago Ukrainian President Zelensky vowed to “take back” Crimea. Is this possible? In June 2016, I visited Crimea with a delegation from the Center for Citizen Initiatives. This is a US organisation which has conducted Continue reading »
Mon, 10/04/2023 - 04:53
Over the past two years, there has been an increasing global interest in Central Asia, which encompasses Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan. This attention can be attributed to various factors, including the president of China’s official visit to these countries in late 2022, the growing relationship between Turkey and Central Asia, as demonstrated by Continue reading »
Sun, 09/04/2023 - 04:51
Successive Israeli governments have pretended to engage in a ‘peace process’, but in reality they have continued to consolidate and expand the occupation. While our unelected representatives pontificate they, the Israelis consolidate. From Oslo to Sharm el-Sheik, Palestinians have been on a long arduous and thorny road to nowhere. This mad journey was started back Continue reading »
Sat, 08/04/2023 - 04:50
The United States demands that the world bow down to its leadership. A failure to do so is met with the full force of the international military-industrial complex controlled by the US. Imagine the uproar if China or Russia—or any other country for that matter—said it aimed to exercise military control over land, sea, air, Continue reading »
Sat, 08/04/2023 - 04:56
The Trump Administration created and marketed the “CHINA THREAT” to the world. We, in the West fell for it hook, line and sinker. In truth, “we” represent only 15% of the world’s population, those of us in the White World of US, UK, EU, and Australia. The other 85% which includes China, India, Southeast Asia, Continue reading »
Fri, 07/04/2023 - 04:50
The Pentagon Papers whistleblower, who has a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, is urging a ceasefire in Ukraine. “This is not a species to be trusted with nuclear weapons,” he tells Marjorie Cohn. The legendary Daniel Ellsberg has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. In a March 1 email to friends, Dan wrote, “I’m sorry to report to you that Continue reading »