On Wednesday, the lower house of the Australian parliament voted to pass legislation to ban social media for children under 16 years, and the Senate passed the bill on Friday.
The law must be changed to tackle the impact of easily available sexually violent imagery, says Criminal Barrister Gareth Roberts
The last Government's battle with unions has ended with PCS now able to claw back tens of millions of pounds from Government
"This bill fails to uphold the promises made in the Treaty and disregards the voices of Māori."
"The council sees this legal action as an assault on press freedom and an attempt to undermine the accountability that is vital to democracy."
Eugene Schofield-Georgeson synthesises, amongst other things, a juridification of social relationships, the centrality of contract as a means of repatterning those relationships, a synergy between neoliberal economic theory and law, and an opportunistic legal indeterminacy that can justify most outcomes.
The post Labour law and the reign of neoliberal legality appeared first on Progress in Political Economy (PPE).
"The recognition of ecocide as a crime sends a powerful message: the destruction of nature will no longer go unpunished."
Now that the Democrats have chosen a nominee, it's time to focus on reversing the damage done by the Supreme Court.
Campaigners are challenging the Government's ‘inherited’ strategy to protect the UK from extreme weather