
Fri, 24/03/2023 - 01:48
‘Opposition leader’ benefited from Tory legislation enacted specifically to benefit him ‘Labour’ ‘leader’ Keir Starmer has rightly been attacked for his closeness to the Establishment and the British security state, which has seen him mount no meaningful opposition to the Tories while colluding on repressive legislation such as the ‘spycops’ law to give undercover police […]
Thu, 29/12/2022 - 23:42
Damning indictment of parts of union movement Incoming TUC general secretary Paul Nowak has appalled many of the movement’s activists by giving Keir Starmer a free pass not to increase public spending or revoke the UK’s repressive anti-trade union laws if Labour gets into power. Mr Nowak said that Labour can’t ‘turn on the spending […]