I’m the lead author of a recent report, commissioned by Vibrant Communities Calgary, looking at factors associated with social disorder on public transit (including social disorder involving people experiencing homelessness). Here’s a ‘top 10’ overview of the report: https://nickfalvo.ca/report-finds-insufficient-daytime-options-for-people-experiencing-homelessness/
Public Infrastructure
I recently led a research study comparing spending by large Canadian municipalities on homeless-related services and affordable housing. Here’s a ‘top 10’ overview of the study:https://nickfalvo.ca/comparating-municipal-spending-on-housing-and-homelessness-in-canadas-major-cities/
I recently helped organize a housing and homelessness study tour of London (England). Here’s a ‘top 10’ overview of what we learned:https://nickfalvo.ca/affordable-housing-and-homelessness-in-london-england/
Registration is now open for a housing and homelessness study tour of London (UK) that I’m helping to organize. More information is available here: https://pheedloop.com/form/view/?id=FOR596K0XGYKSXE78
I’m pleased to share a ‘save the date’ for study tour: London (UK) in May 2024. Here’s the link: https://cihcanada.ca/calendar-by-month/calendar-by-list/ For this particular event, there will be two components: a housing tour for 2.5 days, and then a homelessness tour for 2.5 days. We expect some people will choose to register for both, while others will pick just one. The [...]
I’m writing an open access textbook on homelessness and have just released Chapter 6, which focuses on homelessness experienced by Indigenous peoples—especially in Australia, Canada and New Zealand. A ‘top 10’ overview of the chapter can be found here: https://nickfalvo.ca/homelessness-among-indigenous-peoples/
I recently helped organize a homelessness study tour of New York City. Our group consisted of 30 Canadians from the non-profit sector, government, law enforcement and academia. We toured six sites over a three-day period. Here’s my ‘top 10’ overview of the tour: https://nickfalvo.ca/ten-things-to-know-about-homelessness-in-new-york-city/
I’ve written a blog post about what Canada’s recent federal budget did for housing and homelessness (which wasn’t very much). Here’s my analysis: https://nickfalvo.ca/canadas-2023-federal-budget/
I’ve written a book chapter on subsidized rental housing and homelessness under Alberta’s first UCP government. My ‘top 5’ overview of the chapter is available here: https://nickfalvo.ca/subsidized-rental-housing-and-homelessness-under-albertas-first-ucp-government/
On 28 February 2023, the Danielle Smith government tabled Alberta’s 2023-2024 budget. Projecting a $2.4 billion surplus for the coming fiscal year, the budget announced some spending increases; but many are effectively cuts when one accounts for both inflation and population growth. Here are 10 things to know: In sum. When one accounts for both inflation and population growth, this [...]