east and west cookery cards

Sat, 27/01/2024 - 06:27
Preparation time: 5 minutesCooking time: about 12 minutesTo serve: 2 You will need 1 freshly cooked lobster, about 1 lb2 oz. butter2 oz. button mushrooms, sliced2 tablespoons brandy2 tablespoons dry Madeira or sherrysalt and cayenne pepper¼ pint (U.S. ⅝ cup) thick cream Twist off the claws and with a large sharp knife split the lobster […]
Wed, 22/03/2023 - 07:16
Preparation time: 2 hours 5 minutesCooking time: 30-35 minutesTo serve: 4 You will need1 medium-sized cauliflower3 onions1 clove garlic½ teaspoon ginger powder½ pint (U.S. 1¼ cups) yoghurt1 teaspoon sugar1 teaspoon salt1½ oz. Cooking fat¼ pint (U.S. ⅝ cup) hot water1 teaspoon garam masala (see Card No. 2) Divide cauliflower into flowerets. Slice 1½ onions finely. […]
Wed, 11/01/2023 - 06:05
Preparation time: 5-6 minutesCooking time: 3 minutesTo serve: 4 You will need3 oz. Crab meat4 tablespoons peanut oil1 small spring onion, shredded1 oz. Bamboo shoots, shredded5 eggs; salt½ teaspoon monosodium glutamate6 tablespoons chicken stock; pinch sugar1 teaspoon soy sauce; 2 teaspoons tomato ketchup1 teaspoon cornflourLettuce; radish, tomato; cucumber Remove any soft bones from crab meat […]