By controlling what I listen to, and the order in which I listen, I’m slowly designing an infinite collage of my evolving musical tastes.
The post My weekend project appeared first on Jeffrey Zeldman Presents.
By controlling what I listen to, and the order in which I listen, I’m slowly designing an infinite collage of my evolving musical tastes.
The post My weekend project appeared first on Jeffrey Zeldman Presents.
What a ride that was.
The post Valediction. appeared first on Jeffrey Zeldman Presents.
I’ve started a Bluesky list featuring some of the brilliant writers, designers, coders, editors, and others who’ve contributed to A List Apart “for people who make websites.”
The post A List Apart contributors list on Bluesky appeared first on Jeffrey Zeldman Presents.
“Our online experience doesn’t have to depend on billionaires unilaterally making decisions over what we see.”
The post Open-source moderation appeared first on Zeldman on Web and Interaction Design.
Fortunately, on that day, I allowed a strong, simple idea to penetrate my big, beautiful wall of assumptions.
The post “Where the people are” appeared first on Zeldman on Web and Interaction Design.
Ever since an infantile fascist billionaire (hereafter, the IFB) decided to turn Twitter over to the racially hostile anti-science set, folks who previously used that network daily to discuss and amplify topics they cared about have either given up on the very premise of a shared digital commons, continued to post to Twitter while holding […]
The post In search of a digital town square appeared first on Zeldman on Web and Interaction Design.
My longtime friend and former collaborative partner Craig Hockenberry bids a dignified adieu to Twitterific, Twitter, and his mom … and calls for a standards-based universal timeline. — The Shit Show
The post “A $44 billion version of MySpace.” appeared first on Zeldman on Web and Interaction Design.