new york times

Thu, 06/06/2024 - 00:41

Shocking anyone that's paid any attention to the onslaught, The New York Times has just been handed the Pulitzer Prize for its Gaza reporting. As Alan MacLeod demonstrates, the Times has consistently delivered biased, inaccurate reporting on Palestine, and deserves a mountain of criticism, not an award.

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Thu, 07/03/2024 - 18:59

Western media promoted a UN report as proof Hamas sexually assaulted Israelis. Yet the report’s authors admitted they couldn’t locate a single victim, suggested Israeli officials staged a rape scene, and denounced “inaccurate forensic interpretations.” On March 4, the United Nations released a report into sexual violence which has supposedly taken place amid the Israeli war on Gaza. The report was immediately celebrated in mainstream media outlets as proof of what scores of Israel lobbyists and journalists under their sway […]

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The post Western media concocts ‘evidence’ UN report on Oct 7 sex crimes failed to deliver appeared first on The Grayzone.

Fri, 23/02/2024 - 04:19

The contents of the Israeli Association of Rape Crisis Center’s paper alleging “systematic” Hamas rape derive largely from discredited second-hand testimonies and debunked media reports. Among its most heavily cited sources is a dubious NY Times article that triggered a staff revolt at the paper. Western media outlets are hyping a new report by the Israeli government-affiliated “Association of Rape Crisis Centers” (ARCC) which maintains that Hamas combatants carried out a campaign of “systematic and intentional” rape on October 7.  […]

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The post New Israeli report alleging ‘systematic and intentional rape’ by Hamas relies on debunked Western media reports appeared first on The Grayzone.

Wed, 07/02/2024 - 06:21

The reporter behind a discredited NY Times investigation alleging systematic sexual violence by Hamas on October 7 will appear alongside Hillary Clinton and key Biden foreign policy functionaries at a Columbia University event justifying Israel’s assault on Gaza. Jeffrey Gettleman, the author of the New York Times’ discredited “Hamas mass rape” story, is set to share the stage with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in an upcoming panel on “conflict-related sexual violence” which will feature several other high-profile State […]

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The post Author of debunked NYT ‘Hamas r@pe’ report to share stage with Hillary Clinton appeared first on The Grayzone.

Wed, 07/02/2024 - 01:11

A new study of major media outlets’ coverage of the Red Sea blockade found overwhelming bias in the press, which put forward pro-war talking points and portrayed the US as a good faith actor “dragged” into another Middle Eastern conflict against its will

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Wed, 10/01/2024 - 17:50

After dismantling a New York Times front page feature alleging “a broader pattern of gender-based violence on Oct. 7” by Hamas, The Grayzone is demanding answers of the paper for its journalistic malpractice. The following was submitted to New York Times editors and lead author, Jeffrey Gettleman.  The Grayzone has identified  serious issues with the credibility of key sources quoted in the New York Times’ December 28 story, “Screams Without Words: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on October 7.” Authored […]

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The post Screams without proof: questions for NYT about shoddy ‘Hamas mass rape’ report appeared first on The Grayzone.

Tue, 17/10/2023 - 17:02

The New York Times surreptitiously edited its article on the politically motivated murder of a Muslim American child to remove a lawmaker’s condemnation of the media’s role in the lethal hate crime. And after inciting a wave of anti-Palestinian hysteria, Biden and corporate media pundits feigned sorrow. The New York Times has quietly abridged a quote by a Palestinian-American legislator and removed his condemnation of mainstream US politicians and media organizations like the New York Times, which he blamed for […]

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The post Media whitewashes own role in killing of Palestinian-American child appeared first on The Grayzone.

Tue, 17/10/2023 - 00:12

From watchdogs to lapdogs: Mnar Adley reveals the disappointing state of the fourth estate in the West, exposing how biased media, often working directly with the Israeli government, has been complicit in whitewashing Israeli crimes in Palestine.

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Wed, 16/08/2023 - 06:53

With Ukrainian forces reportedly suffering a level of amputations reminiscent of WWI, a New York Times proxy war propagandist is spinning amputees as sex symbols and painting their gruesome injuries as “magical.” After 18 months of devastating proxy warfare, the scale of the depletion of the Ukrainian military is so extensive that even mainstream sources have been forced to concede the cruel reality. On August 1, The Wall Street Journal reported that “between 20,000 and 50,000 Ukrainians” have “lost one […]

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The post Western press fetishizes Ukrainian amputees as limb loss epidemic grows appeared first on The Grayzone.

Fri, 28/07/2023 - 23:06

Miko Peled unravels Thomas Friedman's flawed analysis of the strategic U.S.-Saudi-Israel alliance, Middle East politics, the Palestinian issue, and the future of Netanyahu's government.

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