electronic intifada

Tue, 28/01/2025 - 17:21

Mario Fehr, the Swiss security official who ordered the arrest of Ali Abunimah, is a rabidly pro-Zionist politician who falsely branded the Palestinian American journalist as “an Islamist Jew-hater.” In the past, Fehr has taken pride in banning Palestine solidarity demonstrations. The Swiss official who ordered the arrest of renowned Palestinian-American journalist Ali Abunimah justified doing so on the false and defamatory basis that Abunimah is “an Islamist Jew-hater.” Mario Fehr, the head of Zurich’s Department of Security, made the […]

The post Swiss official who jailed journalist Ali Abunimah is fanatical pro-Israel activist first appeared on The Grayzone.

The post Swiss official who jailed journalist Ali Abunimah is fanatical pro-Israel activist appeared first on The Grayzone.

Mon, 23/01/2023 - 01:57
Will Labour dare to throw out child Holocaust survivor from Starmer’s own constituency for speaking about his experience? The Socialist Labour Network is holding a Zoom event this Friday to discuss ‘reclaiming the memory’ of all who died in the Holocaust. The event will feature survivors and authors – including a child survivor of the […]