
Tue, 07/03/2023 - 10:41
Unite groups break from Graham’s accommodation with Labour ‘leader’ to put split from party on conference agenda Two major Unite groups have voted to put disaffiliation from Labour onto the agenda at the union’s approaching 2023 rules conference. The North-East, Yorkshire and Humber Health RISC [regional industrial sector committee] and LGBT+ committee have passed votes […]
Tue, 28/02/2023 - 11:16
Right-winger can’t bear to say people should be better off, only that they should ‘feel’ better off – it didn’t go down well Rachel Reeves, Keir Starmer’s right-wing Shadow Chancellor, was already infamous for – among many other things – her history of appalling comments about the unemployed, for wanting to deport more people faster […]
Mon, 27/02/2023 - 04:24
Even the responses not (yet) hidden by Unite GS are overwhelmingly negative – but those she has hidden are even more damning Unite general secretary Sharon Graham has long been criticised for being too ready to cosy up to anti-worker Labour party leader Keir Starmer – chummily referred to as ‘Keir’ – particularly since she […]