The FBI aided a Ukrainian intelligence effort to ban Twitter users and collect their data, new leaks show. Twitter declined to censor journalists targeted by Ukraine, including The Grayzone’s Aaron Maté. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has aided a Ukrainian intelligence effort to censor social media users and obtain their personal information, leaked emails reveal. In March 2022, an FBI Special Agent sent Twitter a list of accounts on behalf of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Ukraine’s main intelligence […]
The post Leaks reveal FBI helps Ukraine censor Twitter users and obtain their info first appeared on The Grayzone.
The post Leaks reveal FBI helps Ukraine censor Twitter users and obtain their info appeared first on The Grayzone.
A congressional Squad star seems to have no idea how or why the Ukraine proxy war started. But he he says he’s voting for military aid to Kiev anyway. On Monday, the New York Democratic congressman and star member of the progressive Squad Jamal Bowman told The Grayzone that he continues to support the U.S. providing aid for the Ukraine war because Russian President Vladimir Putin is “a madman.” Just moments before, however, Bowman admitted that he did not know […]
The post VIDEO: Rep. Jamal Bowman supports military aid for Ukraine but is unfamiliar with the Donbas and Crimea first appeared on The Grayzone.
The post VIDEO: Rep. Jamal Bowman supports military aid for Ukraine but is unfamiliar with the Donbas and Crimea appeared first on The Grayzone.
The Grayzone participated in what appears to be the first independent expedition investigating the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines. Near one of the blast sites, we discovered a diving boot used by US Navy divers. How did Swedish investigators miss this? Video above by Agnes Andersson On the evening of May 24, 2023, I stood aboard a small ship called the Baltic Explorer. With sun still high overhead in the Baltic Sea, our boat sat anchored thirty-one nautical miles […]
The post Independent Nord Stream expedition discovers clue missed by official investigators first appeared on The Grayzone.
The post Independent Nord Stream expedition discovers clue missed by official investigators appeared first on The Grayzone.
US citizen Gonzalo Lira faces a long prison term in Ukraine for criticizing the country’s government. Shunned by the US government, his father is fighting to stop the “slow death of a son.” When US media have demonstrated any interest in the arrest of an American citizen, Gonzalo Lira, it has been primarily to celebrate his prosecution on the grounds that he has been “shilling for Putin.” The US State Department, meanwhile, refuses to answer questions about the disappearance of […]
The post Father of Gonzalo Lira, American jailed in Ukraine, speaks out against “political imprisonment” first appeared on The Grayzone.
The post Father of Gonzalo Lira, American jailed in Ukraine, speaks out against “political imprisonment” appeared first on The Grayzone.