A spokesperson said the party took the decision to drop its commitment to complete the official inquiry into press corruption, "in the interests of the country"
UK Politics
The new Labour Government should abandon all of the failed hostile approaches to migration and asylum pursued by its predecessors, argues Zoe Gardner
'It is a scandal that, in so many constituencies, people did not really have a choice of MP – as the real choice lay with a party machine that can foist MPs upon them'
'There has been a lack of sustained progress by government in reducing the attainment gap between disadvantaged children and their peers', a new report by the National Audit Office has found
Some Labour MPs are furious about the "draconian" treatment of those who voted to lift children out of poverty
Lowkey is joined by John McEvoy to discuss his work uncovering Israel’s surprisingly firm grip over the British political system. John McEvoy is an investigative journalist for Declassified UK, a media outlet covering British foreign policy and intelligence agencies’ true role around the world.
The post Israel’s Vice-Like Grip Over British Politics, with John McEvoy appeared first on MintPress News.
Campaigners are challenging the Government's ‘inherited’ strategy to protect the UK from extreme weather
Nearly half of those turned away on 4 July appear to be non-white, according to observers
'The lack of perspective that's generated by the mainstream press and the lack of reasonable accounting for mainstream news media this week has been simply appalling'
A report by the Climate Change Committee shows just how much action the new Labour Government needs to take to achieve the country's targets