Of books and conferences past: A maker looks back on things well-made but no longer with us.
The post Of Books and Conferences Past appeared first on Zeldman on Web and Interaction Design.
Of books and conferences past: A maker looks back on things well-made but no longer with us.
The post Of Books and Conferences Past appeared first on Zeldman on Web and Interaction Design.
Fortunately, on that day, I allowed a strong, simple idea to penetrate my big, beautiful wall of assumptions.
The post “Where the people are” appeared first on Zeldman on Web and Interaction Design.
As the lines between our physical and digital surroundings continue to blur, it’s more important than ever to design usable and accessible content for our ever-expanding array of contexts. In 2021, A Book Apart and I were delighted to bring you Preston So’s Voice Content and Usability, the definitive book on voice content, and A […]
The post Immersive Content and Usability appeared first on Zeldman on Web and Interaction Design.