
Fri, 30/12/2022 - 07:13

           Mark Twain said: “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.” Ironically, he didn’t. The quotation should correctly be attributed to Jonathan Swift. The lie remains in high orbit.             Even when the truth comes to light, it gets nothing close to the wide distribution...

The post How about Equal Time for the Truth? first appeared on Ted Rall's Rallblog.
Sun, 19/12/2021 - 02:43

I can’t believe I have to spell this out, but:
free/libre/open-source software developers and open web activists selflessly running independent services online are people too.

It seems this idea is especially difficult to grasp for researchers (including, apparently, whoever reviews and green-lights their studies). The latest kerfuffle with the Princeton-Radboud Study on Privacy Law Implementation shows this well.

“Not a human subject study”

The idea of that study seems simple enough: get a list of “popular” websites (according to the research-oriented Tranco list), send e-mails to e-mail addresses expected to be monitored for privacy-related requests (like, and use that to assess the state of CCPA and GDPR implementation. Sounds good!