
Fri, 02/02/2024 - 04:50
Our leading humanitarian and civic institutions, including major medical institutions, refuse to denounce Israel’s genocide in Gaza. This exposes their hypocrisy and complicity. There is no effective health care system left in Gaza. Infants are dying. Children are having their limbs amputated without anaesthesia. Thousands of cancer patients and those in need of dialysis lack Continue reading »
Thu, 01/02/2024 - 04:54
Forty years ago, Medicare as we know it today was born. It was the reincarnation of the Whitlam government’s Medibank, introduced in 1975 but dismantled in stages by the Fraser Liberal government. Medibank was developed in the 1960s by health economists Dick Scotton  and John Deeble,, when disease prevalence was different and the politics of Continue reading »
Thu, 25/01/2024 - 04:52
You’re either a climate realist or you’re a climate sceptic. You’re either pro COVID vaccines or you’re a vaccine sceptic. You either voted ‘no’ in the recent ‘indigenous voice to parliament’ or ‘yes’. On too many issues, the labels that Australians are using are confrontational. Australians are being led to see just two camps and Continue reading »
Wed, 17/01/2024 - 04:53
People in the poorest areas of Australia are dying 2.5 times more often from the disease than those in the richest areas. Perhaps this is the long-awaited ‘new normal’ of life with COVID, with more working from home, more COVID complacency, and more long-COVID. But some things haven’t changed. When it comes to some communities Continue reading »
Mon, 15/01/2024 - 04:53
Australia has just completed major reviews of two of its largest public expenditures – the NDIS and Employment Services. Each program manifests problems predicted by two lesser-known economic theories: the Jevons Paradox in the case of the NDIS and Goodhart’s Law in the case of employment services. Neither were mentioned in either review. Today I Continue reading »