Australian foreign policy

Tue, 08/08/2023 - 04:59
In his recent comprehensive P&I article ( “Abandoned sovereignty: Australia’s intelligence function colonised by US”) Mike Scrafton has raised serious concerns about Defence Minister Marles’ announcement at the recent AUSMIN talks of the creation of “Combined Intelligence Centre – Australia” within our Defence Intelligence Organisation (DIO) by 2024. Details of how this extraordinary joint Australian-US Continue reading »
Mon, 05/06/2023 - 04:58
You could hear, when Biden squibbed the Quad, the Austral-Americans deflate. They watched aghast when Captain Ahab abandoned them, and the sinking big idea of Austral-American grand strategy, the Indo-Pacific, disappeared somewhere in the China Sea. The idea of an international order espoused by the Austral-Americans, to honour Paul Keating’s term, is the free and Continue reading »