A report by King's College this week exploring prejudicial attitudes towards asexual people prompted an ugly online backlash
Public Health
An estimated 230 million girls and women alive today are believed to have been subjected to some form of female genital mutilation - yet it rarely ever makes the news
The Government's new plan for welfare has a fundamental flaw at its heart, argues Izzy Wightman
The decision to further restrict access to vaccines "will leave many vulnerable people unprotected" warn academics and health professionals
My Dutch friend chose to die a peaceful, painless death at the time of his choosing. Everyone else should be free to make that same choice
Hundreds of millions were wasted on contracts with zombie companies which vanished before any taxpayers' cash could be recovered
Any law to help people die is the beginning of a slippery slope for disabled people whose lives are already devalued, writes Penny Pepper in her monthly column
Billions of pounds were spent on unusable protective equipment, with priority contracts handed to associates of Conservative ministers
A long awaited plan for ME and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers is due to be published this winter.
Keir Starmer's right hand man throws his weight behind the Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice, and says inequality played a major factor in the pandemic