“Streaming” [verb / strEEm-ing]: Crossing a medium-sized body of water in short trousers to rescue one’s horse and carriage from sudden peril.
“Bop” [noun / bäp]: The sound of George Washington’s hand-crafted Masonic gavel landing on a ceremonial cornerstone.
“Cheugy” [verb / chew-ghee]: The act of using one’s wooden teeth to thoroughly masticate turtle soup.
“Taylor Swift” [noun / TAY-lor SWIH-ft]: A tradesperson who can alter silken blouses at an exceptionally quick pace.
“Bougee” [noun / BOO-jee]: The name of Thomas Jefferson’s childhood kitten.
“Clapback” [noun / klap-bAk]: An unfavorable condition for a racehorse’s spine.
“Ded” [adjective / DEH-d]: Obituary delivered via illiterate messenger.
“G.O.A.T.” [noun / GOH-t]: A delicious hearty stew.