
Sat, 17/06/2023 - 02:40

1. You totally have a beautiful and famous girlfriend, but she’s not around at the moment for far-fetched reasons.

2. The animals are too cute to hunt.

3. You can start a fire, but you catch on fire too.

4. Your idea of a sporting good time is prancing around on a horse you call Sir Haunches.

5. You don’t know how most of your tools work, and they break as soon as you try them.

6. Your handiwork is just a bunch of shit glued together.

7. You can get to where you’re going but only by checking the map every twenty seconds.

8. You run away from fights to spend the day looking for new clothes everyone is talking about.

9. You boil steak.

10. When you see a flower you say, “Oooh!” and run to pick it.

11. You listen attentively to everyone’s whining and moaning without telling them what to do.

12. You change outfits four times per day.

13. You float from job to job and transport others to make extra on the side.

14. You’re a freegan.

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Zelda: 1-14
Disappointing your father: 1-14

Sat, 17/06/2023 - 01:48
One problem in applying skepticism and critical investigation equally is that heterodox and mainstream theories use extremely different methodologies. Generally speaking, mainstream macro uses math, while heterodox macro uses literary text with no math … Which means that if we judge each theory using its own methodology, mainstream macro will have to pass rigorous quantitative […]
Sat, 17/06/2023 - 01:00

“Scientists and sailors say orcas, also known as killer whales, are stepping up ‘attacks’ on yachts along Europe’s Iberian coast, with one skipper who’s been pursued by the marine mammals on two separate occasions suggesting that their tactics are becoming more stealthy.” — NPR

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Congratulations, seafarer. You’ve taken a crucial step in protecting your already excessively costly and least reliable asset by investing in supplemental yacht insurance for orca revenge attacks.

In these uncertain times and unfamiliar waters, it’s prudent to hold on to what’s important: being rich, listening to Seals & Crofts, and acting with complete disregard for the world around you.

That’s why we at Sons of Ahab Insurance are proud to provide comprehensive yacht coverage designed to keep you afloat—come whale or high water. Here’s what’s included with the orca attack supplemental package:

Sat, 17/06/2023 - 00:30
2012? Bring back 1220, bro! If you follow The Daily Wire, you may know this guy. I don’t, but David Simon of The Wire does. This clown below would like to see western civilization return to the customs and mores of 1220. Because only RINOs want to return to the 1950s. Only fauxnies like Grover Norquist (he married a Muslim!) want to return to the McKinley era. Real men, ball-tanning men, men who embody manly virtues (Tucker Carlson? Josh Hawley?) want to “get medieval on your ass,” America. So much of the reactionary right is fueled by performative, over-the-top, in-your-face rejection of what the rest of us in Well-Adjusted America™ consider normal. MAGAs and incels tune in to shows like this for the rhetorical equivalent of WWE, monster trucks, and nitro-powered funny cars. Anything to get a rise (pun intended). The problem is, as with professional wrestling and Trump rallies, some of the fans take the kayfabe seriously.
Fri, 16/06/2023 - 23:00
Abortion, Jan. 6, and your freedom are on the line Here in our fortress of progressivism, it sometimes seems as if the rest of the country — the left-leaning part, anyway — is oblivious to broader trends at work behind current events. News junkies know, but that’s because we are news junkies. Forward scouts, I tell legislators engaged in trench warfare with authoritarians in the capitol. Movement conservatism propelled the American right from the 1970s through the Reagan years to George W. Bush’s two terms. We might call what followed movement authoritarianism. Anat Shenker-Osorio, host of the podcast Words to Win By and messaging authority, found signs in a recent survey that the public has caught on (Slate): In May, the Research Collaborative, a group that I advise, fielded a 1,400-person survey with Lake Research Partners on the Supreme Court.
Fri, 16/06/2023 - 22:38
Nationalekonomi som vetenskap har världen över förlorat otroligt mycket i prestige och status under senare år. Inte minst på grund av dess oförmåga att analysera och förklara ekonomiska och finansiella kriser och på grund av dess avsaknad av konstruktiva och hållbara förslag på att ta oss ur dessa kriser. Hur återskapar vi förtroendet för nationalekonomin? […]
Fri, 16/06/2023 - 22:20

Kit Klarenberg reveals how much of the hysteria surrounding 'Chinese police stations' in the West is being fueled by a shadowy CIA-linked organization called Safeguard Defenders.

The post False Witnesses and Sinister Plots: Exposing the CIA Connection in the ‘Chinese Police Station’ Narrative appeared first on MintPress News.

Fri, 16/06/2023 - 21:33

Tracey never expected the work she does to be easy, but she did expect to be adequately remunerated for it.   A healthcare assistant at Arrowe Park Hospital in the Wirral, Tracey does permanent nights on the ward, supporting vulnerable patients suffering severe mental health problems, dementia, Alzheimer’s and alcohol and drug withdrawal symptoms. She’s […]

Fri, 16/06/2023 - 18:09
Episode 9 for my – Podcast – Letter from The Cape – is now available. Qu’ils mangent de la brioche – Let them Eat Cake. The rally cry of the elites when confronted with the reality that the peasants in France did not have any bread to eat. In this episode we examine modern variants…