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March 13th, 2023next

March 13th, 2023: I saw a movie the other night and it wasn't a stinke

Mon, 13/03/2023 - 13:28
Last Friday (March 10, 2023), the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released their latest labour market data – Employment Situation Summary – February 2023 – which revealed a slight dip in the number of net payroll jobs created and a slight increase in the unemployment rate. It is too early to say whether this marks a turning point in the US labour market after several months of interest rate increases. We will know more about that next month. January’s result was very strong, so a slight dip on that is no cause for concern. Most of the aggregates are steady and in terms of the pre-pandemic period, February’s net employment change was still relatively strong.
Real wages continued to decline in the face of a decelerating inflation rate. Overall, the US labour market is steady and doesn’t appear to be contracting fast in the face of the Federal Reserve interest rate hikes.…
Mon, 13/03/2023 - 10:11

With the FDIC auction underway, the Silicon Valley Bank Crisis may either be over or raging uncontrollably when you read this. I lean towards the scenario of excitement winding down, but at the same time, I know literally nothing about the quality of SVB’s asset book. Rather than speculate, I just want to point out what I see as key: credit market conditions (including wholesale funding) are the only thing the Fed really cares about. Even if one worries about other large regional banks, credit investors — and existing lending facilities for banks, like the discount window and FHLB advances — can pump money into the back door of a solvent bank faster than a bunch of people who read stuff on Twitter can withdraw it out the front....
Bond Economics
With the FDIC auction underway, the Silicon Valley Bank Crisis may either be over or raging uncontrollably when you read this
Brian Romanchuk

Mon, 13/03/2023 - 10:00
What fresh hell is this? Is there even one political scandal of the past few years that Steve Bannon isn’t in the middle of? Jeffrey Epstein said in an unaired interview that he distanced himself from former President Donald Trump after realizing Trump was “a crook,” according to his brother, Mark Epstein. Mark Epstein told Insider he viewed a clip of the interview, conducted by Trump’s former White House advisor Steve Bannon, after his brother forwarded it to him in the spring of 2019. At the time, Bannon was conducting filmed interviews with the now-dead pedophile financier. Bannon sent Jeffrey Epstein a Dropbox link to a clip, which he forwarded to his brother. The link is no longer active, according to Mark. “Jeffrey showed me the link to one of these interviews,” Mark Epstein said. “And in that interview, Jeffrey said he stopped hanging out with Trump when he realized Trump was a crook.” Insider has not been able to independently view the video. Bannon could not be reached for comment.