
Sun, 15/01/2023 - 09:30
“They knew all they needed to know” ExxonMobil scientists predicted the climate crisis with astounding accuracy as early as 1977, a new Harvard study reveals. The new analysis on the precision of company scientists’ predictions could be powerful fuel for cities and states that are suing ExxonMobil, accusing the fossil-fuel corporation of violating consumer-protection statutes, lying to investors, or committing racketeering. “This analysis is a stick of dynamite in these cases,” Patrick Parenteau, professor and senior fellow of climate policy at Vermont Law School, told Insider in an email. “It is the kind of incriminating evidence that can really influence a jury.” Published in the peer-reviewed journal Science on Thursday, the study compares early ExxonMobil climate models to those from other scientists at the time, and to the actual rise in global temperature that has occurred since then. According to the study, 63% to 83% of global warming projections from the company’s scientists have turned out to be accurate matches of real-life temperature rises in the decades since.
Sun, 15/01/2023 - 08:00
It’s on the menu! Who says these House Republicans don’t have an agenda to benefit the American people? House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said Thursday that he’s willing to take a look at expunging an impeachment of former president Donald Trump by the Democratic-led House. Trump — now a 2024 candidate — was impeached twice during his four-year presidency: in 2019, for withholding military aid from Ukraine in exchange for political favors, and in 2021, for inciting the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. In the previous Congress, groups of Republicans floated resolutions to expunge both impeachments. Supporters of the latter included Rep. Elise Stefanik (N.Y.), the Republican conference chairwoman. Asked at a news conference about the prospect of an expungement now that Republicans control the House, McCarthy said, “I would understand why members would want to bring that forward.” […] In the last Congress, Stefanik and then-Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.) backed a resolution to expunge Trump’s impeachment over Jan. 6.
Sun, 15/01/2023 - 06:30
Last night I came across a tweet that linked to excerpts of Trump’s deposition in the E. Jean Carroll defamation case and it actualy shook me a little bit. I thought nothing could surprise me about him, but this actually did. He was crude, nasty, obnoxious and incredibly stupid on a level that exceeded even my very low expectations. Former President Donald Trump claimed that E. Jean Carroll, who has accused him of sexual assault, said that “rape was sexy” and “indicated that she loved it” when he was deposed in connection to her defamation lawsuit in October. Judge Lewis A. Kaplan unsealed a portion of Trump’s deposition on Friday after his lawyers lost a bid to keep them private.  Carroll, the longtime advice columnist for Elle magazine, is suing Trump for defamation after he said she made up a rape allegation about him to sell her memoir. He denies having had any sexual contact with her. In the October deposition, Trump misrepresented comments Carroll made about the allegation in an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper. “She actually indicated that she loved it. Okay? She loved it until the commercial break.
Sun, 15/01/2023 - 05:07
You wanted to lock Hillary up. You want to impeach Biden. But the only one who you say didn't do anything wrong is Donald Trump, who not only mishandled documents but also spent over a year refusing to give them back when asked, then gave some of them back, lied about … … giving them all back, after failing to comply with a lawful subpoena, all after getting impeached for inciting a violent insurrection in an attempt to overthrow the Constitution, submitting fraudulent electoral certificates to defraud the United States and obstruct … … a congressional proceeding, getting impeached for unlawfully withholding aid to an allied nation in order to extort its government, obstructing an important federal criminal and counterintelligence investigation, running a private company that has since been convicted … … of tax fraud, paying suspiciously low amounts of federal income tax and refusing to disclose his returns by lying about being audited, sexually abusing literally dozens of women, one of whom he raped, and paying $130,000 in hush money to a porn star, … … among many, many, many other things.
Sun, 15/01/2023 - 05:00

UNIT’s Kate Stewart is back to defend the Earth alongside Ncuti Gatwa’s Doctor. But who is the mysterious Roger ap Gwilliam? The BBC have confirmed that Jemma Redgrave will be returning for Ncuti Gatwa’s first series of Doctor Who as UNIT’s leader Kate Stewart. She’ll be joined by 1899’s Aneurin Barnard as new character Roger […]

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Sun, 15/01/2023 - 04:58
Belém, Brazil – I inaugurate this new series of columns in a New Year and a new beginning for Brazil with the inauguration of President Lula da Silva, His well-wishers poured out across the country in a revival of hope for Brazil after four years of disastrous rule under his right-wing predecessor, Jair Bolsonaro, who Continue reading »
Sun, 15/01/2023 - 04:55
Instead of thinking through and independently acting in Australia’s best interests, Prime Minister Albanese has followed in the footsteps of his discredited predecessors and outsourced defence and foreign policy to the US. The Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, is a provincial man with a strong social conscience. He understands issues of health, education and infrastructure and Continue reading »
Sun, 15/01/2023 - 04:54
The current WTO rules were negotiated during the Uruguay Round without China involved or even in mind. The expectation was that China would evolve into a market economy and WTO rules would apply. China has not evolved as expected; should China change its state-controlled economy, or should WTO rules be rewritten to accommodate China? In Continue reading »
Sun, 15/01/2023 - 04:53
Why did so many people dislike Cardinal George Pell? It is possibly because he had the opportunity to show leadership but chose instead to reflect power and intransigence. He could have shown compassion and been a unifying force. Instead, he will be remembered as a divisive and damaging figure. At the start of this millennium Continue reading »
Sun, 15/01/2023 - 03:52
Trevor Timm -- The Guardian With President Joe Biden now embroiled in his own classified documents controversy, partisan commentators will surely have a field day playing the tired old game of “no, you endangered national security.” Instead, I’d like to focus on the real issues: the overly broad and often-abused Espionage Act and the massive, draconian secrecy system that does far more harm than good in the United States.
Sun, 15/01/2023 - 02:30
Your daily dose of outrage Mockery is too good for them. Rex Huppke tries anyway: Greetings, fellow Americans. I am writing this column from atop a gas stove I have patriotically chained myself to in case President Joe Biden sends one of his communist stovetroopers to confiscate my beloved cooking appliance. According to the same people who warned me the government was coming for my guns, my hamburgers and my ability to say “Merry Christmas,” the nanny state is now poised to take away my gas stove. Based on what I’m seeing on Fox News and hearing from gas-loving lawmakers, it could happen at any moment! A U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission report notes that gas stoves have been found to emit harmful fumes that can aggravate childhood asthma. Banning appliances that cannot be made safe is an option, say regulators. Then again, maybe they can be made safer. Team Daily Outrage was off! So was Huppke: And I listened to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, who suggested the ban on gas stoves that the libs claim does not exist (on the spurious basis that it does not exist) is a “red line” Americans won’t tolerate.