You are teaching nine sections of comp classes at four universities, have no health insurance or retirement savings, and barely make ends meet. What happens if conditions suddenly become even more unstable? Enrollment dips, a department merges, or your tiny liberal arts college gets bought by a multinational conglomerate and replaces your course with a semester-long Kahoot quiz? It’s essential to be prepared as you’re just one paycheck away from needing to scavenge for existence in the wild. Here are some survival tips, should you be so unfortunate.
1. Pack for Emergencies
Always have a “go-bag” ready with the bare necessities: some bottled water, a book of matches, and a Tupperware container filled with the stale Panera bagels left in the faculty lounge from the professional development session you didn’t attend.
2. Leave Plans with a Friend
Make sure your friends know what forgotten, grown-over forest patch you’ll call home. If you have no friends because you spend ninety hours a week grading papers, then inform one of the seven people you share an office with instead.