
Thu, 05/01/2023 - 10:30
Regardless of who ends up being the Speaker, he or she will be a Speaker in name only. The 20 Republican insurrectionists who have turned the party into a laughing stock will be in a position to do this over and over again: Meet them: More than half of the lawmakers who voted against Mr. McCarthy explicitly denied the results of the 2020 election, compared with about 15 percent of the 222 total members in the Republican caucus, according to a New York Times analysis. These Republicans said that the election had been stolen or rigged — or that Donald J. Trump was the rightful winner — even though Joe Biden earned seven million more votes and 74 more electors than Mr. Trump. “President Trump won that election,” said Anna Paulina Luna of Florida, one of the five newcomers who opposed Mr. McCarthy’s speaker bid. Representatives Matt Gaetz of Florida and Andy Biggs of Arizona, who have emerged as ringleaders against Mr. McCarthy’s bid, have also called the 2020 election stolen. Nearly all of the lawmakers who voted against Mr.
Thu, 05/01/2023 - 09:00
Yes, the party is doing this but the question really is why. Jonathan Chait had a great insight that at least partly explains it: The House Republican majority is currently paralyzed by an internecine power struggle that, like some ninth-century Byzantine religious schism, is simultaneously all-consuming to the participants and utterly inscrutable to outsiders. Reporters attempting to discern the conflict have taken to describing the competing factions as “conservatives” (the far-right members opposed to Kevin McCarthy’s bid for Speaker of the House) and “moderates” (the much larger faction of Republicans loyal to him). But these labels do very little to clarify the strange mania devouring the House Republican caucus. If you define conservative in traditional terms — meaning loyal to the conservative movement of Goldwater and Reagan and opposed, in principle, to any new taxation or social-welfare benefits — the entire Republican caucus is composed of conservatives. McCarthy’s loyalists aren’t moderates and don’t describe themselves as such.
Thu, 05/01/2023 - 08:31
from Mark Weisbrot Here are eight predictions for the coming year, in accordance with a hallowed tradition that I have previously not honored. If some of the supporting facts below seem unfamiliar, it could be because they have not received the attention they deserve. But they are real, and links to sources are provided. First, […]
Thu, 05/01/2023 - 08:18
I went down a rabbit hole today trying to recover a memory. In 2009, I had just graduated college and moved home. I was recording a lot of music and learning a lot through watching early YouTube videos. I stumbled upon some footage of a master class at Berkelee that John Mayer had done. Here […]