
Wed, 28/12/2022 - 06:35
And so it begins… Yulia Galyamina, the first Russian professor who got fired because “she is a foreign agent”. And here’s Dmitry Vasilets, a Real Russian Hero. Also, while we’re talking about Russia: Please consider supporting Meduza. Russians must have access to free press, just like all of us – and after it got banned, […]
Wed, 28/12/2022 - 06:09

Our 14th most-read article of the 2022.

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Originally published February 8, 2022.

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Downstairs to Downstairs

HOUSEHOLD SERVANT: I’m worried about Rich Lady.

OTHER HOUSEHOLD SERVANT: Don’t be. She’s rich, ain’t she?

HOUSEHOLD SERVANT: Being rich doesn’t mean her horse can’t die/ her husband can’t die/ she can’t die/ she can wear a hat well.

BUTLER: Stop arguing, you two! Someone needs to take this duck liver blancmange up to the dining room on the double!

OTHER HOUSEHOLD SERVANT: Humph! (Exits to the kitchen)

Wed, 28/12/2022 - 05:30
I know this is mostly on the anti-vaxxers, but the move to take the "public" out of "public health" was not limited to them.
A rapidly growing measles outbreak in Columbus, Ohio — largely involving unvaccinated children — is fueling concerns among health officials that more parent resistance to routine childhood immunizations will intensify a resurgence of vaccine-preventable diseases.

Most of the 81 children infected so far are old enough to get the shots, but their parents chose not to do so, officials said, resulting in the country’s largest outbreak of the highly infectious pathogen this year.
Wed, 28/12/2022 - 03:31
Hypocrite former MP condemned by postal workers union Right-wing former Labour MP Chuka Umunna has been slammed by the postal workers’ union for advising privatisers on their potential bid to take over Royal Mail – after originally condemning the privatisation of the iconic UK institution. Umunna is reportedly advising Czech firm Vesa Equity on its […]
Wed, 28/12/2022 - 03:30
I was informed by a guy at Vox whose salary was paid by money from SBF that all of this was just "profound failures of judgment." So many Effective Altruism marks. And why not? It paid their bills!!!
Wed, 28/12/2022 - 03:18

Our 15th most-read article of the 2022.

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Originally published February 3, 2022.

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6 a.m. Wake up and put on knit cardigan, slacks, and sensible shoes. Feed my cat, Mr. Foibles. Have tea and English muffin while I read Shakespeare and listen to symphonies.

7 a.m. Get into twenty-year-old Corolla, turn on NPR, get rattled by news and switch to listening to a Charles Dickens book on tape read by Alistair Cooke.

7:15 a.m. Arrive to an exact replica of your hometown library, or what you imagine a library to look like, basically where Giles from Buffy works.

Wed, 28/12/2022 - 01:03
Steven Rieber, a former philosopher who is now a program manager at Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), a part of the United States government’s Office of the Director of National Intelligence, is heading up a new research program that might be of interest to philosophers. The program, “Rapid Explanation, Analysis, and Sourcing Online” (REASON) aims to “develop novel technologies that will enable intelligence analysts to substantially improve the evidence and reasoning in draft analytic reports.” It is seeking research teams to fund that will build systems to help “analysts discover valuable evidence, identify strengths and weaknesses in reasoning, and produce higher quality reports.” Here is some more information about the project: Intelligence analysts sort through huge amounts of often uncertain and conflicting information as they strive to answer intelligence questions. REASON will assist and enhance analysts’ work by pointing them to key pieces of evidence beyond what they have already considered and by helping them determine which alternative explanations have the strongest support.
Wed, 28/12/2022 - 00:26

Our 16th most-read article of the 2022.

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Originally published May 2, 2022.

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Welcome to the Middle-Aged Restaurant, a place designed around a Gen-Xer’s current lifestyle or lack thereof. Our often-overlooked establishment offers you respect, acknowledgment, and a menu that adapts to what your stomach can no longer tolerate these days.

Features of our hot spot (perimenopause joke intentional) include:

No small-font menus. Put away the readers and flashlight app, and any worries about accidentally ordering “filet chignon” with a side of “mostatoes” here, because everything is in forty-eight-point type, which also may be your age.

Wed, 28/12/2022 - 00:02
The latest additions to the heap… “I have a no-laptop, no phone policy in all my classes, and have yet to hear good reasons to give that up. Maybe you can give me some” — Harry Brighouse (Wisconsin) explains “How does the death spiral of one or more social media platforms impact philosophy?” — reflections from Helen de Cruz (SLU) “ChatGPT has no interest in you whatsoever. It isn’t curious about your goals or motivated to help you meet them. It lacks the good faith to tell you when your goals are misplaced” — today’s AI doesn’t care about you, and that limits its utility, argues Evan Selinger (RIT) “In one way or another, you are moved to imitate and share the things that speak to you, that seem, in one way or another, to be alive with beauty in a way that makes you feel alive” — Nick Riggle (San Diego) on beauty “The use of AI in science presents novel opportunities and challenges. One principle challenge has been how to determine when a given AI model is trustworthy” — Eamon Duede (Chicago) on why scientific trust in AI is different from its trust in experts, instruments, or methods “It’s not the pace of life I mind.
Tue, 27/12/2022 - 23:46
A New Age Of Vertical Integration

There was a time when companies preferred vertical integration: they wanted to own their supply chain. Then, for a long time, the mantra was to concentrate on one’s core business and let other specialists take care of all the non-core parts of your business.
