
Tue, 14/02/2023 - 06:00

Ukraine’s decentralization reform has been hailed as one of the country’s most successful since the 2013-2014 Revolution of Dignity. Recently, a piece in Foreign Affairs claimed that Ukraine’s decentralization has ‘brought the country together’ in the face of Russia’s 2022 invasion, fostering political legitimacy, solidarity, and community pride. Offering a different perspective, in my research paper published in the Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, I argue that the political, administrative, and fiscal processes of decentralization in Ukraine during the War in Donbas has further instituted certain inequalities and emboldened oligarchic power, which may pose difficulties for future post-conflict reconstruction, summarised here.

The post Devolution or Decapitation? Decentralization and the War in Donbas appeared first on Progress in Political Economy (PPE).

Tue, 14/02/2023 - 05:42
Farmers in low-income countries have multiple channels through which they respond to climate change. Some switch to growing more heat-resilient crops or crops that require less water. Others migrate or leave agriculture altogether. In new research, Amrit Amirapu, Irma Clots-Figueras, and Juan Pablo Rud find that temperature shocks to agricultural production in India increase voter turnout in rural areas and push rural voters to elect candidates who are on average poorer, less tainted by corruption, and have a background in agriculture....
A growing academic literature documents how farmers in low-income countries respond to the harmful effects of extreme heat on agricultural production. In many cases, farmers can change the way they produce, by using more land or labor or by switching crops. They can also try to move out of agricultural activities, sell assets, or migrate.
Tue, 14/02/2023 - 05:18
A new cold war is upon us, but only China is in a position to push it beyond the point of no return. That moment will come when China’s policymakers cross the Rubicon and decide to wean Chinese economic growth off the US trade deficit.
Interesting article about the symbiotic relationship and the changing conditions that threaten it. One of these factors is the development of the Chinese economy beyond the point that the Americans that entered into the deal foresaw.

Yanis Varoufakis points out, correctly in my view, that neither side wants to end this "dark deal" since it is highly beneficial to powerful interests in both countries. But US attempts to undermine China's development and challenge it militarily through creation of a "Pacific NATO" may force its closure. 
Tue, 14/02/2023 - 05:13
Blair Fix caused a bit of a stir last week on economics Twitter with a cleaned up version of the above chart taken from his article on interest rates and inflation. My chart is a scatter plot of the U.S. annual CPI inflation rate versus the effective funds rate, from 1954-2022. The blue line is the best linear fit of the two variables. The “linear model” suggests that inflation is an increasing function of the nominal interest rate.

Blair was met with a predictable howl of indignation on Twitter. Why predictable? The belief that higher interest rates reduce inflation (with a technical twist I note below) is pretty much enshrined as an assumption in neoclassical economics. (I use “neoclassical” as a fancy-pants word to describe “mainstream academic economics,” as “mainstream” is somewhat ambiguous if we are not referring to academia.)
Tue, 14/02/2023 - 04:58
In contrast to Labor politicians such as Paul Keating, Bill Hayden, Gareth Evans and Gough Whitlam, the four part series recently published by Keating and Stanford on Australian national security sees no place for arms control measures and peace initiatives. Michael Keating and John Stanford recently wrote a four-part series in P&I arguing the case Continue reading »
Tue, 14/02/2023 - 04:57
Labor came to office last May, replacing a government that had steered Australia’s relationship with the United States to new heights of servility. Our ties with China were in tatters. Many had hoped that the change of government would usher in a shift to a more imaginative and less subservient foreign policy. Nine months later Continue reading »
Tue, 14/02/2023 - 04:56
Overseas students are a key source of export income and a tool of Australia’s soft diplomacy. Whether for good or bad, they have also become a major funding source for university research. But far more importantly, they have since around the year 2000, contributed around 25 percent of the annual migration program – in other Continue reading »
Tue, 14/02/2023 - 04:55
Peter Dutton faces a stern test of his leadership and his strategies in preparing for a by-election in the Melbourne outer suburban seat of Aston. It’s in Victoria, where the Liberal Party has been on the nose, as most recently demonstrated in November by the swingeing repudiation of the party in favour of “Dictator” Dan Continue reading »
Tue, 14/02/2023 - 04:54
There has been a flurry of mention of the Australian War Memorial (‘AWM’) concerning the removal of Chinese-made security cameras from Government buildings . The new Chair of the AWM, Kim Beazley AO, announced that it would so do, out of ‘an abundance of caution’ (codespeak for ‘this is complete BS but we will do Continue reading »
Tue, 14/02/2023 - 04:51
The western sanctions weapon is not new to Syria, but since 2019 it has become a lethal one, destroying entire Syrian sectors and killing its people. First published in The Cradle February 6, 2023 Some 83 years after being employed against Germany in 1940, economic sanctions have become the most widely-used tool in Washington’s arsenal Continue reading »
Tue, 14/02/2023 - 04:00
Trump and Kushner’s cozy relationship with the Saudis is the real corruption scandal Last week featured the first of what promises to be many public hearings about President Biden’s son Hunter, whom the new GOP House majority vows to investigate for the next two years. Going after what they all now casually call “The Biden Crime Family” is their number one priority. That first hearing was about a now infamous New York Post story about the exceedingly weird “discovery” of Hunter Biden’s laptop that Twitter initially suppressed only to allow back on the website just 24 hours later. This incident has become evidence, if you want to call it that, that proves Twitter was working on behalf of the Biden campaign and its alleged allies in the woke FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) to cover up the Bidens’ corruption. That hearing fizzled out, however, when it was pointed out that virtually everyone in politics, most especially Trump and his administration, were constantly asking Twitter to remove tweets they didn’t want widely seen. In the case of Hunter Biden’s laptop, Twitter made the decision itself.
Tue, 14/02/2023 - 02:55

The US, one of the wealthiest and most powerful nations, stands alone as the only country to reject human rights such as the right to food and the rights of the disabled and children. Learn more about this alarming reality with Lee Camp.

The post 10 Ways The US Is Out Of Line With The Entire World appeared first on MintPress News.

Tue, 14/02/2023 - 02:30
What are those things flying our friendly skies? Of course, Republicans want to shoot first and ask questions later. You know, like the Air Force general in Iron Man. U.S. fighters shot down another flying object over Lake Huron on Sunday at President Biden’s instructions (New York Times): An object first appeared over Montana on Saturday and then disappeared, leading officials to conclude that it was an anomaly. But the object reappeared on Sunday over Montana, then over Wisconsin and Michigan. The object, which was flying at 20,000 feet and posed a potential threat to civil aviation, had an octagonal structure with strings hanging off but had no discernible payload, U.S. officials said. An F-16 shot down the object over Lake Huron. National security officials on Sunday discounted the possibility that the objects shot down over the weekend might have extraterrestrial origins. However, Gen. Glen D.
Tue, 14/02/2023 - 02:18
. Ich glaub’ das zu träumen / die Mauer / Im Rücken war kalt / Die Schüsse reissen die Luft / Doch wir küssen / Als ob nichts geschieht / Und die Scham fiel auf ihre Seite / Oh, wir können sie schlagen / Für alle Zeiten / Dann sind wir Helden / Nur diesen […]