
Fri, 04/11/2022 - 06:39

November 3, 2022 “Eduspeak” Reconsidered When, Why, and to Whom Is Educational Jargon Annoying? By Alfie Kohn Over the years I’ve heard a lot of people complain — sometimes good-naturedly, sometimes with remarkable venom — about our field’s use of jargon. Eventually I began to wonder why “eduspeak” or “edspeak” (or, less charitably, “edu-babble”) vexes people so, and to what ... Read More

The post “Eduspeak” Reconsidered appeared first on Alfie Kohn.

Fri, 04/11/2022 - 03:17

The only thing more remarkable than the number of classified documents the Home Secretary leaks to her mentors, is the number of civil servants leaking to the newspapers about Braverman leaking the documents. In her brief period(s) as Home Secretary, civil servants have separately leaked to the papers: the fact of her emailing classified documents […]

The post Braverman Loses the Dressing Room appeared first on Craig Murray.

Fri, 04/11/2022 - 01:45
by Brian Czech

Herman Daly, the champion of steady-state economics, passed away in the presence of beloved family members on October 28, 2022. In the process, a world in dire need of Herman’s wisdom became a lesser place. Yet we can be grateful for the 84 years he graced the earth and for the legacy he’s left us.

An excellent festschrift edited by Joshua Farley, a sweeping biography by Peter Victor,

The post Herman Daly (1938-2022): Up to the Steady State Economy appeared first on Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy.

Thu, 03/11/2022 - 19:29
I’ve got a new piece up at Compact about the shocking facts that recent lawsuits and FOIAs are bringing to light about the extent of the collaboration between the US government and Big Tech platforms such as Facebook and Twitter in an attempt to police so-called disinformation. What’s apparent is that the aim of this strategy wasn’t to …

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Thu, 03/11/2022 - 07:01

The Climate of the Nation 2022 Report reveals record numbers of Australians who are “very concerned” about climate change as record floods and extreme weather continue to wreak havoc across eastern Australia, and a majority believe governments are not doing enough to prepare for and adapt to the impacts, according to the largest and longest running research program into climate change attitudes in Australia.

The post Climate Concern at Record High amid Floods: Largest Tracking Research on Climate in Australia appeared first on The Australia Institute.

Thu, 03/11/2022 - 05:28
The debilitating challenges women face in being heard are detrimental to economic prosperity and to democracy itself.

As any woman who has tried to get her point across in a professional setting is acutely aware, a lot of men have trouble listening when a female colleague speaks. They talk over women, shut them down, and incessantly interrupt. They even engage in “bropriation” -- appropriating something a woman has said as their own. Worse still, the guilty men generally have little awareness of their exasperating behavior.

Thu, 03/11/2022 - 04:23
ROBERT SKIDELSKY and SIMONE GASPERIN (2021) Abstract: This paper upholds the classical Keynesian position that a laissez-faire market economy lacks a spontaneous tendency to full employment. Focusing on the UK case, it argues that monetary policy could not prevent the economic collapse of 2008-9 or achieve full recovery from the Great Recession that followed. The … Continue reading Reinstating fiscal policy for normal times: Public investment and Public Jobs Programmes
Thu, 03/11/2022 - 03:34

3 Lies Republicans Are Using This Election

It’s not just the Big Lie. Republicans are telling three other lies they hope will swing the midterms.

They involve crime, inflation, and taxes.

Here are the GOP’s claims, followed by the facts.

1. They claim crime is rising because Democrats have been “soft” on crime.

Rubbish. Rising crime rates are due to the proliferation of guns, which Republicans refuse to control.

Thu, 03/11/2022 - 03:30

This is our re-imagined experimental rock cover of the song "I hate a man like you" by Leon Redbone

This version of the song is based on a recording by Leon Redbone from the album "Champagne Charlie" from 1978.

It's actually a cover of a cover song

I've always loved this song by Leon Redbone. It's a dark piece on the album with just a guitar and him singing in his unique voice. It's been one of my favorite songs for years.

But it's actually a cover of a song he did that was originally written and performed by Jelly Roll Morton on the piano in 1930.

Thu, 03/11/2022 - 02:08
My Lords, it is very cold in this House; I wonder what has happened to the heating. It certainly has a chilling effect on debate. I am not a lawyer like the noble Lord, Lord Sandhurst, nor a policeman like the noble Lord, Lord Paddick. I am driven to take part in the debate because … Continue reading House of Lords Speech on the Public Order Bill
Thu, 03/11/2022 - 00:00

In the past 7 months, the Reserve Bank has increased the cash rate by 275 basis points. That is as fast as any time since the RBA became independent. Given the pace of inflation growth, the rises are not wholly without cause, but as policy director, Greg Jericho notes in his Guardian Australia column the main drivers of inflation are now easing, and wages are yet to take off. In that case, should the RBA continue to raise rates given it will only slow the economy further?

The post Would further interest rate rises do more harm than good? appeared first on The Australia Institute.

Wed, 02/11/2022 - 22:36

Germany has become an economic satellite of America’s New Cold War with Russia, China and the rest of Eurasia. The article this talk was based on: Germany and other NATO countries have been told to impose trade and investment sanctions upon themselves that will outlast today’s proxy war in Ukraine. U.S. President Biden and his Continue Reading

The post Germany’s position in America’s New World Order first appeared on Michael Hudson.