
Mon, 13/04/2020 - 22:30
The last ten years have brought Knut Wicksell, a Swedish economist born in the 19th century, closer to the spotlight. His “Interest and Prices” (1898) should be understood as the birth of a new idea of how to explain monetary systems. (I have written about this elsewhere.) While some still pretend that Wicksell was a […]
Mon, 13/04/2020 - 10:32
The TARDIS of UNSW was a warmly received fan filmed produced in 2019 by UNSW’s DocSoc student group, part of a long tradition of fans telling their own Doctor Who stories. The DWCA’s last such production was well over a generation ago and now a new team of film makers are looking to throw their hats into the ring. The project is being masterminded by Thomas Walder (DocSoc) and Roger Reynolds (DWCA), and they’re on the lookout for script / plot ideas, actors, gaffers, costume designers, camera operators, sound engineers, make-up artists, and anyone else who can help out. As the COVID-19 pandemic has us all physically separated at the… Continue reading
Sat, 11/04/2020 - 16:00

Boris Johnson’s first response was at odds with the rest of the world. But this virus does not respect his delusions of national character

There is now the terrible possibility that Britain may match or even overtake Italy and Spain as the country in Europe that suffers most from the coronavirus pandemic. This tragedy has a political, as well as a biological, epidemiology. Those seeking to trace its path may look back on a telling moment – paradoxically the one at which the government finally changed course and fell into line with most of the rest of Europe. On 20 March, Boris Johnson announced the closure of pubs, clubs and restaurants. Even as he did so, however, he made it clear that this decision was an assault on the national character.

Tue, 07/04/2020 - 05:42
In March 2020, the Trudeau government launched a new version of the Insured Mortgage Purchase Program (IMPP). According to CMHC’s website: “Under this program, the government will purchase up to $50 billion of insured mortgage pools through CMHC.” Here are 10 things to know: 1. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) is a federally-owned crown corporation. Many of us know [...]
Sun, 05/04/2020 - 18:32
Stuck at home with nothing to do? Don’t worry – the DWCA has your back! We’ve just released Volume Four of Zerinza, which collects the entire Eleanor saga from the pages of Data Extract, along with new behind the scenes material. With articles, comics, stories and illustrations, this volume is a celebration of the power and originality of fan fiction in general as well as that of Eleanor and her supporting cast in particular. Eleanor Chaplette was devised by Craig Land and Dom Kelly for the Doctor Who Club of Australia’s flagship publication Data Extract and featured from issue 228 in 2015… Continue reading
Sun, 05/04/2020 - 18:25
Due to the health emergency of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic, the DWCA and its local groups have made the difficult decision to cancel upcoming events. As soon as it is possible to safely host events later in the year the DWCA will look to do so. The Canberra local group reports that since ACT libraries are closed so no meetings are currently scheduled. The Central West group reports they have no venues so no meetings are currently scheduled. The Newcastle local group have cancelled their meetings but are currently investigating if online meetings are viable. We wish all our… Continue reading
Thu, 02/04/2020 - 09:00
Looking South from The Gallows Headland towards Sawtell
My current favourite local bit of coast. I’m going to miss the sea.

Monday morning at work I started running a slight temperature. My shoulders and neck ached. I work with immunocompromised patients so it was safest to go home. I am a nurse so in the interest of …

Thu, 02/04/2020 - 04:41
The legendary Prof. Harry Glasbeek of Osgoode Hall Law School at York University has penned the following commentary on how the COVID-19 pandemic is revealing and reinforcing the deep flaws in our economic and social order. It ends on a hopeful note: the people will demand better, when the immediate health crisis has passed. Prof. Glasbeek is the author of [...]
Tue, 31/03/2020 - 09:01
The federal government has announced it is prepared to pay wages subsidies of up to 75% of employee wages for all private businesses and other employers, including non-profits, partnerships and charities that expect a 30% drop in revenues, up to a maximum of $847/worker per week and $11,011 over the three months.  The previously announced 10% wage subsidy was only available [...]
Mon, 30/03/2020 - 15:13
With the federal government is increasing its temporary wage subsidy to 75%, other reforms are needed to ensure the public funding goes to maintain workers, and not pad the profits of businesses.  In the face of the COVID19 crisis, the Canadian government has done a very good job of both limiting the spread of the virus and putting in place [...]
Sat, 28/03/2020 - 20:55

Today is Day 14, and at 9 a.m. tomorrow I will feel that it's OK to leave self-isolation quarantine. I haven't had symptoms, I'll be fairly confident that I'm not a carrier of the coronavirus and so can't infect anyone.

But I certainly can be infected. The epidemic is still growing in Australia so the danger is actually greater than it was when I went into isolation. I'm in a high-risk group, and this virus does kill. So I'm going to step very carefully indeed while the epidemic lasts. As everyone else should do. No Kaffee-klatsches, no concerts, no court appearances, no cavorting on the bloody beach...
Fri, 27/03/2020 - 22:24

Friday the thirteenth day, no less... But nothing bad has happened, apart from an epidemic. Today the news went round that the United States has the largest number of cases of coronavirus infection in any country, 85 000. Known cases, that is. At the same time, president Trump's approval rating has gone up. It's good to know the American electorate can recognize forethought and intelligence when they see it.
Thu, 26/03/2020 - 22:50

A grey, damp day, as the last couple of days have been. The garbage collectors, our unsung heroes, pass by with their truck, working in a light rain. Why does wet weather depress the spirits? In Australia, the driest continent, land of droughts and devastating bushfires, we should be singing for joy and dancing in the streets. (At 1.5 metres' distance, of course.)

Like so many others, I've been trying to understand the pattern of response to the novel-coronavirus epidemic by the right-wing governments currently in power through most of the world. Including the most prominent and most analyzed of all, president Trump.
Tue, 24/03/2020 - 09:11

My networth this month continues to be all over the shop. Money is flowing out as the house renovations are finalising and a trip to Darwin NT. Equities are of course crashing on the back of COVID-19. I’ll keep it short.

Net Earnings

  • $3073 (February)
  • $30,469.84 …
Mon, 23/03/2020 - 20:49

It's midnight. I'm a terrorist, holding Sydney in fear. I've blown up a famous building, the Opera House, or the Harbour Bridge. I'm alone, hiding in the house, with my AK-47 sub-machinegun. The house has been discovered and surrounded by police and the Army. There are sirens and helicopters. But I have a way to break out: a black Aston Martin car waiting in an underground garage with a secret exit! Soon I will zoom away and be free...

At that point I wake up, with my mouth dry. It's 1:30 in the morning, dark and silent except for a cool wind. It takes a while to get back to sleep.
Mon, 23/03/2020 - 06:32

Four prisoners escape from the dungeons at King's Landing and head for the Wall; a distance of 700 leagues. The Maester travels 1 league in the first day, then each subsequent day, doubles the distance he travelled the previous day. The Whore travels 50 leagues each day. The Knight travels 80 leagues each day, and 20 leagues each night. The Squire travels 350 leagues the first day, then each subsequent day, travels half the distance he travelled the previous day.

Sun, 22/03/2020 - 19:02

It's the autumn equinox now. Not that we really have 'autumn' in Australia, where the seasons don't follow the European pattern, though we pretend they do. But we certainly have a time when day and night are balanced, and this is it.

I'm also at a point of balance in the self-isolation: seven days done, seven days to go. Some of the tension has eased. I hear that if symptoms are going to appear, they are most likely to appear in the first five or six days. But that's only a probability, so I'll stick it out. Cuisine Corona again tonight: spaghetti and tins. With vodka and orange.