This article continues the previous discussion of bank net interest margins. In it, I discussed how changes in the yield curve changed the net interest margin (NIM) for banks.
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Αμέσως μόλις εξαγόρασε το Twitter και αυτοανακηρύχθηκε σε Chief Twit, ο Elon Musk δήλωσε πως δεσμεύεται να προστατεύσει τη φύση της πλατφόρμας ως μια «δημόσια πλατεία» όπου συζητούνται τα πάντα. Ήταν μια έξυπνη τακτική γιατί απέσπασε επιτυχώς την προσοχή του κοινού από τις πραγματικές του προθέσεις. Ο Elon Musk είχε κάθε λόγο να νιώθει ένα κενό που […]
The post Το Twitter ως το εισιτήριο του Elon Musk στο Πάνθεον της Τεχνοφεουδαρχίας – 247 News appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.
- by Aeon Video
- by Elad Uzan
Blaming migration on “repressive dictatorships” allows Washington to pretend that its policies are helping Nicaraguans, when in fact they are impoverishing them. This article was originally published on November 23, 2022 by COHA. Why are more Nicaraguans heading north to the United States looking for jobs? Until July 2020, numbers were tiny. But in the last 1½ years numbers have increased sharply. Suddenly this has become a story, and government detractors argue, with little evidence, that people are fleeing political […]
The post US sanctions and economic conditions drive Nicaraguan migration, while Washington blames repression appeared first on The Grayzone.
My laptop was stolen from me on the Vienna to Frankfurt train on Saturday. I had been working on a blog article on the train. Approaching Frankfurt I packed up ready to get off, and went to the loo. When I returned the laptop had vanished from the laptop bag. The charger was still there […]
The post Electronic Grief appeared first on Craig Murray.
Industrial Relations Reform Sets Stage for Significant Acceleration of Wage Growth.
The post Deal on IR Reforms Sets Stage for Faster Wage Growth appeared first on The Australia Institute.