
Tue, 29/11/2022 - 01:57
Next semester, I’ll be teaching American Political Theory (POLS 3404), meeting 9:30-10:45 on Mondays and Wednesdays. We’ll focus on two topics only: slavery and neoliberalism. Registration is now officially open for the class. During the first half of the course, we’ll be addressing the relationship between slavery and capitalism through a selection of primary and second readings. Our texts will include Orlando Patterson’s Slavery and Social Death, Eric Williams’ Capitalism and Slavery, Cedric Robinson’s Black Marxism, Eugene Genovese’s The Political Economy of Slavery, Frederick Douglass’ Narrative, Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, W.E.B. Du Bois’s Black Reconstruction, and various texts and treatises from the slaveholders, including Thomas Dew, William Harper, James Henry Hammond, Josiah Nott, and […]
Tue, 29/11/2022 - 00:13
Attempts to solve social problems with draconian regulation of internet services won’t help victims.  Amendments are flooding in with a raft of new proposals. [1] Controversial scanning of private messages risks WhatsApp pulling services from the UK. [2] The Online Safety Bill is set to return to Parliament next week.  A flood of recent amendments […]
Tue, 29/11/2022 - 00:00

As always, if you find value in this work I do, please consider helping me keep it sustainable by joining my weekly newsletter, Sparky’s List! You can get it in your inbox or read it on Patreon, the content is the same. And don’t forget to visit the TMW store for all of your holiday shopping needs (as long as they are extremely specific and limited)! 

Mon, 28/11/2022 - 23:00
The spread of misinformation online has been recognized as a growing social problem. In responding to the issue, social media platforms have (i) promoted the services of third-party fact-checkers; (ii) removed producers of misinformation and downgraded false content; and (iii) provided contextual information for flagged content, empowering users to determine the veracity of information for themselves. In a recent staff report, we develop a flexible model of misinformation to assess the efficacy of these types of interventions. Our analysis focuses on how well these measures incentivize users to verify the information they encounter online.
Mon, 28/11/2022 - 22:02

Αμέσως μόλις εξαγόρασε το Twitter και αυτοανακηρύχθηκε σε Chief Twit, ο Elon Musk δήλωσε πως δεσμεύεται να προστατεύσει τη φύση της πλατφόρμας ως μια «δημόσια πλατεία» όπου συζητούνται τα πάντα. Ήταν μια έξυπνη τακτική γιατί απέσπασε επιτυχώς την προσοχή του κοινού από τις πραγματικές του προθέσεις. Ο Elon Musk είχε κάθε λόγο να νιώθει ένα κενό που […]

The post Το Twitter ως το εισιτήριο του Elon Musk στο Πάνθεον της Τεχνοφεουδαρχίας – 247 News appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.

Mon, 28/11/2022 - 18:02

Blaming migration on “repressive dictatorships” allows Washington to pretend that its policies are helping Nicaraguans, when in fact they are impoverishing them. This article was originally published on November 23, 2022 by COHA. Why are more Nicaraguans heading north to the United States looking for jobs? Until July 2020, numbers were tiny. But in the last 1½ years numbers have increased sharply. Suddenly this has become a story, and government detractors argue, with little evidence, that people are fleeing political […]

The post US sanctions and economic conditions drive Nicaraguan migration, while Washington blames repression appeared first on The Grayzone.

Mon, 28/11/2022 - 10:48
Another Message Board Post comments on any topic. Civil discussion and no coarse language please. Side discussions and idees fixes to the sandpits, please. I’ve moved my irregular email news from Mailchimp to Substack. You can read it here. You can also follow me on Mastodon here I’m also trying out Substack as a blogging […]