Cut my hair too short
Start trimming my ear hair
Force me to have an opinion on the ’86 Mets to avoid a lull in the conversation
Cut my hair longer somehow
Start using a product I don’t recognize
Start using a product I do recognize: Kikkoman Soy Sauce
Start talking about me on their cell phone
Start talking about me on my cell phone
Say, “I wonder if I’m ambidextrous”
Shave part of my head
Wax part of my head
Wax my whole body
Tell me my hair is “brittle”
Say, “Whoopsie daisy”
Call over the barbers to snap pictures of something on the back of my head
Say, “Be right back,” and then go on vacation
Tell me my hair is “sleepy”
Start sneaking sips of that blue liquid he keeps his combs in
Steal my wallet
Steal my wife
Tell me he’s going to give me the “Van Gogh”
Say, “Wow, that’s a lot of blood”
Insist I had only one ear when I came in
Cut up a line of dry shampoo and ask if I “party”
Ask for a tip after each snip
Sneeze on the back of my head
Get upset when I don’t say, “Bless you”