
Fri, 15/09/2023 - 09:38

Some teachers in NSW will receive large pay rises following a deal with the NSW Labor government. But the agreement stretches over four years and contains other disturbing clauses.

The post Pay rise for NSW teachers, but no workload relief and future wage caps looming first appeared on Solidarity Online.

Fri, 15/09/2023 - 09:30
WOW! KELLY: But once you get a subpoena you have to turn them over. TRUMP: I know this. *pauses* I don't even know that. — KevinlyFather 🇺🇲🇨🇦🇲🇼🇸🇿 (@KevinlyFather) September 14, 2023 And yet tens of millions of people think this guy is a genius,
Fri, 15/09/2023 - 07:00
Nobody’s calling for mask mandates. That doesn’t mean the right wingers aren’t having a hissy fit anyway. They just love to whine and they love it so much they even make up things to whine about: As Americans fend off a late summer COVID-19 spike and prepare for a fresh vaccine rollout, Republicans are raising familiar fears that government-issued lockdowns and mask mandates are next. It’s been a favorite topic among some of the GOP’s top presidential contenders. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis told reporters that people are “lurching toward” COVID-19 restrictions and “there needs to be pushback.” South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott posted online that the “radical Left” seeks to bring back school closures and mandates. And former President Donald Trump urged congressional Republicans to stop the Biden administration from bringing back COVID-19 “mandates, lockdowns or restrictions of any kind.” “The radical Democrats are trying hard to restart COVID hysteria,” Trump told supporters in Rapid City, South Dakota, during a recent campaign stop. “I wonder why.
Fri, 15/09/2023 - 05:00
Marge the sadist: On a sweeping patio overlooking the golf course at his private club in Bedminster, N.J., former President Donald J. Trump dined Sunday night with a close political ally, Marjorie Taylor Greene. It was a chance for the former president to catch up with the hard-right Georgia congresswoman. But over halibut and Diet Cokes, Ms. Greene brought up an issue of considerable interest to Mr. Trump — the push by House Republicans to impeach his likely opponent in next year’s election. “I did brief him on the strategy that I want to see laid out with impeachment,” Ms. Greene said in a brief phone interview… Ms. Greene, who has introduced articles of impeachment against Mr. Biden, said she told Mr. Trump that she wanted the impeachment inquiry to be “long and excruciatingly painful for Joe Biden.” Ain’t she sweet? She would not say what Mr. Trump said in response, but she said her ultimate goal was to have a “long list of names” — people whom she claimed were co-conspirators involved in Biden family crimes. She said she was confident Mr.
Fri, 15/09/2023 - 04:57
The real American terror is not that the Chinese economy will grow bigger than the American economy – if it is not already – but that the Chinese mixed economy model will prove superior to the rampant free-market, greed model US billionaires and their peddlers promote. Western journalists and commentators have long struggled to explain Continue reading »
Fri, 15/09/2023 - 04:51
The moon waxes and wanes, the tide ebbs and flows, empires come and go but some empires come more than once. This is, once again, China’s time. While there have been moves to prevent this from occurring, one recent event proves they are unsuccessful. In August 2022, Biden signed Executive Order 14080 ostensibly aimed to Continue reading »
Fri, 15/09/2023 - 04:50
While not all politicians are yet there, the military and intelligence specialists, who are part of the western propaganda squads, have made their conclusions. From their mouth the truth is dripping to the media. While the headlines below may not express it, the content of those pieces, especially in the first four, is finally admitting Continue reading »