
Wed, 12/07/2023 - 11:03
The American Sociological Association solutes an eminent scholar and groundbreaking economic sociologist Viviana Zelizer with the W.E.B. Du Bois Career of Distinguished Scholarship Award, its highest honor, and the Distinguished Career Award for the Practice of Sociology, its second major honor. Presenting Professor Zelizer with the Association’s two most prestigious awards at the same year […]
Wed, 12/07/2023 - 10:00
He only cared about himself while thousands were dying Take the time to watch that and remind yourself of Trump’s most grotesque failure. I can’t believe it’s going down the memory hole but at least there is this documentation — Trump running his mouth on tape — that proves his horrifying misconduct.
Wed, 12/07/2023 - 09:35
Hamburger Stroganoff is an easier and less expensive version of the classic recipe. The flavor is just as exciting, piqued with paprika, cayenne pepper and garlic; softened with sour cream. For an extra special touch, you can make your own noodles. For 4 servings you will need:1 lb. lean ground beef2 Tbsp. butter or margarine1 […]
Wed, 12/07/2023 - 09:00
Can he keep it together or are we in for another round of crazy? I’m betting on crazy: Speaker Kevin McCarthy is working furiously to prevent another House floor takeover by his hardest-right conservatives as the GOP prepares to tackle some of the year’s biggest bills. With the House back for a final stretch before its August recess, McCarthy on Tuesday afternoon summoned a group of leaders from multiple corners of his conference to shape a strategy for staving off further right-wing revolts — which his team can’t afford this summer. Underscoring the urgency of their task, the group of GOP lawmakers met in the shadow of what could become a new right-flank rebellion over the rule for debating a must-pass Pentagon policy bill. “The speaker has called these meetings so we can get things hopefully worked out before it blows up on the floor, so there’s no surprises,” said Tennessee Rep. Tim Burchett, one of the 11 Republicans who held up the floor last month during an ongoing rift with leadership.
Wed, 12/07/2023 - 07:00
“He was always telling me that we need to use the FBI and IRS to go after people,” Kelly told the Times last year, adding that “it was constant and obsessive and is just what he’s claiming is being done to him now.” This lawsuit by Lisa Page and Peter Strzok is focusing attention once again on Trump’s abuse of power. Former Chief of Staff John Kelly testified that he wanted him to use the IRS to go after them, his political enemies. His abuses were extensive and a lot of it was right out in the open. I’m not talking about the rank corruption — running his business out of the White House, signing hush money checks in the oval office, accepting unlimited graft and access in the form of both foreign and domestic money at his hotels and resorts. Nobody seems to care about that at all. I’m talking about the abuse of his power as president. Aaron Blake has a short, incomplete, list: Trump also wanted the IRS to investigate former FBI director James B.