Fake Merchandise

Tue, 11/05/2021 - 19:55

I know what you're asking... Where's season 23 - the 'Trial of a Time Lord' one?  Well, I already did it some time ago - before all this lockdown Covid stuff - about two years ago. You can find it here. 

The design of these covers harkens back further to the original Target line which feature a simple text 'logo' in a uniform black across all the titles. Why have I reverted to this? Well, I'll let you into a little secret. The remaining seventh Doctor titles were all done first... Hence the sudden switch to the neon logo from season 25. These were the ones I started off this new batch of covers with before going back to the fifth and sixth Doctors. In fact, I ended up doing all those in reverse for some reason. God alone knows why... My brain works funny when it's being creative. Logic and order seem to be thrown out of the window... 

Sat, 12/06/2021 - 21:15
'The Avengers' movie released in 1998 has to be one of the biggest disappointments ever in the history of movies... at least for me. I was genuinely looking forward to it having missed out on the opportunity to visit the set the year before. A stuntman friend of mine was doing some work on the film and needed some help with his gear.
Mon, 28/06/2021 - 06:44

There's been three official Doctor Who plays - 'The Curse of the Daleks' (without the Doctor but with Daleks), 'Doctor Who and the Daleks in Seven Keys to Doomsday' (with both the Doctor and the Daleks) and 'Doctor Who - The Ultimate Adventure' (again with both the Doctor and the Daleks but also with the Cybermen and Margaret Thatcher!).

None of the them set the West End alight and were suspiciously absent at their year's respective Olivier Awards... but Doctor Who fans have a bit of a soft spot for them.