Doctor Who - Series Six on Target

Mon, 14/06/2021 - 00:58
Mon, 14/06/2021 - 00:58

Let's face it. Series six of 'Doctor Who' was a bit of a mess wasn't it. All that stuff with Amy's baby, her kidnapping, her rescue, her baby's kidnapping, her quick recovery over her baby's kidnapping... etc... 

Series six certainly had an ill-thought out story arc. Too much mystery early on with sudden walloping chunks of new information later on. All this with a liberal dose of temporal paradoxes made the whole arc both anticlimactic and uninvolving. I would love to be able to explain the series six story arc but I haven't the energy nor the space to go through in the amount of detail that would be needed to make it intelligible.

Having said that, several of the standalone stories - especially in the second half of the series - were excellent. I loved 'The Girl Who Waited', 'The God Complex' and 'Closing Time'. I hope that shows with these covers although my favourite amongst these is the appallingly titled 'Let's Kill Hitler'. My least favourite Matt Smith episode. I think you can guess why... 

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