Putin the Heinous Strikes at Global Wellbeing

Fri, 04/08/2023 - 01:04
Fri, 04/08/2023 - 01:04
by Brian Czech

When the name “Putin” is uttered—from now until the end of human utterance—the first thing that should come to mind is hundreds of thousands (and counting) of dead and wounded. Putin has turned a verdant, peace-seeking country into a hell-scape of suffering, including starvation. Let’s not overlook the Ukrainian casualties, now or ever.

Now, Putin is taking an even deeper stride into the annals of infamy by orchestrating one of the most despicable episodes of wanton waste in history: his attack on Ukrainian grain stocks and infrastructure.

The post Putin the Heinous Strikes at Global Wellbeing appeared first on Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy.