It pains us to admit that in today’s fast-paced world, there is constant pressure to be stylish and relevant. Take blue jeans for instance - the never-ending list of new trends or the infinite number colours, cuts and styles seem to justify our temptation. We are pressured to be new and different, yet forced to conform.
Amidst this desire, many of us are aware that the costs of our purchases are much more than the dollar sum at the check-out. The thought that our new pair of jeans is likely produced by an impoverished, underpaid labourer in South-East Asia lies dormant at the back of our minds, as does the knowledge that its production will emit somewhere between 33 and 80 kilograms of CO2 into the atmosphere. However, the vast distance between our everyday lives and the reality of hot sweaty factories and smoggy skies renders the gravity of our purchase insignificant. After all, what’s the hurt in just one more pair?
The post Blue Jeans appeared first on Progress in Political Economy (PPE).