
Sat, 06/05/2023 - 01:54

As the three-year anniversary of George Floyd's death nears, David Miller investigates the campaign to silence critics of Israel's role in training American police on the violent tactics of suppression meted out on Black Americans.

The post George Floyd’s Murder Reminds Us: Israel’s Knee Sits on the Neck of Black America appeared first on MintPress News.

Sat, 06/05/2023 - 01:36
by Gary Gardner

The looks I get are familiar at this point: the blank stare screaming What do you mean, a no-growth economy? The frown of doubt that silently demands, Are you crazy? This is how skepticism about degrowth and steady-state economics manifests in my own life.

The work of a steady-state proponent is not for the faint of heart, to be sure. Steady state economies are sorely needed today but are far from being widely understood,

The post Selling the Steady State Economy appeared first on Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy.

Sat, 06/05/2023 - 00:30
RW Eeyores will downplay this They’re ba-ack. Jobs, that is. I know, the Market is not the average American’s lived experience. But damned if Republicans don’t treat it that way when it’s going their way. Except under a Democratic president. Investor’s Business Daily: Dow Jones Surges 450 Points On Strong Jobs Report. AAPL Stock Jumps On Earnings. Barron’s: The Jobs Data Were Hotter Than Expected. Why the Stock Market Is Celebrating. Washington Post: In March 2021, more than 4 million workers were “missing” from the job market as a result of early retirements, a lack of child care, covid illness and death, and slowdowns in immigration. More than 75 percent of that shortfall has been filled, according to a Washington Post analysis, as new and returning workers help boost labor-force participation back to pre-pandemic levels. The share of adults who have a job or are looking for one is back to where it was in March 2020. Watch for the negative spin from the right’s Eeyores. And from “labor participation truthers,” cautions Carolina Forward. “They won’t care” is right.
Sat, 06/05/2023 - 00:14

Leaked documents reviewed by MintPress reveal how The British Home Office has been clandestinely spying on refugees' smartphones under the guise of "combatting human trafficking."

The post Project INVICTUS: Inside the UK’s Human Rights Busting Campaign to Spy on Refugees appeared first on MintPress News.

Fri, 05/05/2023 - 23:00
Paranoia strikes deep The strangulation homicide of Jordan Neely, Michael Jackson impersonator, on a New York City subway has prompted a flurry of commentary. Neely’s race and that of his killer is familiar. What’s out of the ordinary is that his assailant was not a cop and did not use a gun. Also familiar is the judgment by law enforcement officials (for now) that a homicide of a black man is not necessarily a murder. The assailant has not been charged. “Barack freaking Obama would not be allowed to walk away after choking a homeless white man to death on the subway,” rages Elie Mystal at The Nation. Poverty, homelessness and mental illness in the richest nation on earth are all accomplices, as are the bystanders who remained bystanders as they watched (reportedly) a former Marine choke the life out of Neely for behaving erratically. There is a forest here, not just trees. The string of Americans killed lately over mundane, nonthreatening actions, for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, should unsettle us all. But it is the outgrowth of paranoia that’s been cultivated.
Fri, 05/05/2023 - 22:00

1. Many dishes are served in a deconstructed manner, with no components touching each other.

2. There is a lot of concern over one tiny drop of sauce on a plate.

3. The basic counter seating has some fancy name like “Chef’s Counter” or “Dad’s Emporium of Dinosaur-Shaped Chicken Nuggets.”

4. If the carrots are not cut correctly, someone might start yelling.

5. You do a lot of deep breathing and counting to ten.

6. Throughout the meal, crumbs must be periodically cleared from the table.

7. The diners are unusually obsessed with smells and textures.

8. No matter how absurd their requests are, you’ve learned it’s better not to argue with the diners.

9. You frequently question what you are doing with your life.

10. Certain foods are disguised to look like something they are not.

11. There are sometimes a lot of questions about where the meat comes from.

12. Someone might be wearing a sequined romper.

13. Someone might be wearing on your nerves.

14. At least once a day, the food will bring someone to tears.

Fri, 05/05/2023 - 21:44
När tankesmedjan Katalys nu firar tioårsjubileum har man passande nog valt att bjuda in författaren till en av årtiondet största megahits inom ekonomiområdet — Underskottsmyten — Stephanie Kelton. Har ni vägarna förbi Stockholm i morgon tycker jag definitivt ni ska lägga ett par timmar på att besöka ABF-huset! Yours truly har under flera års tid […]
Fri, 05/05/2023 - 19:31

On the second centenary of Karl Marx’s birth, global capitalism is stumbling from crisis to crisis. In the wake of the financial crash, interest in Marx’s ideas has blossomed once again. This should come as no surprise: they remain vital to understanding not only the dynamics of capitalism itself but the manner in which it […]